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The Gospel Of The Holy Twelve
  • Introduction
  • 01 Thru 10
  • 11 Thru 20
  • 21 Thru 30
  • 31 Thru 40
  • 41 Thru 50
  • 51 Thru 60
  • 61 Thru 70
  • 71 Thru 80
  • 81 Thru 89
  • 90 Thru 96
  • Complete Index

  • "Blessed are they who read,
    Hear and do.
    Old things pass away.
    Then comes the new,
    Out of the darkness,
    Ariseth the Light.

    "There are many things which I have to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit the Spirit of Truth whom I will send unto you from above, shall guide you into all truth, and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you from above, shall guide you into all truth, and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you."
    "After my departure there will arise the ignorant and the crafty, and many things will they ascribe unto Me that I never spake, and many things which I did speak will they withhold, but the day will come when the clouds shall be rolled away, and the Sun of Righteousness shall shine forth with healing in his wings."
    "I am the Way, the Truth, the Life. The doctrine which I teach is that which I am. I am It and It is I."
    "There are also many things which Jesus did, the which if they should be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that should be written."--S, John {A.V.}
    "In dreams and visions of the night when deep sleep falleth upon men, then doth the All Wise open their ears and send to them instructions."--Book of Job.


    Here beginneth the Gospel of the Perfect Life of Jesu-Maria, the Christ, the offspring of David through Joseph and Mary after the flesh, and the Son of God, through Divine Love and Wisdom, after the Spirit.


    From the Ages of Ages is the Eternal Thought, and the Thought is the Word, and the Word is the Act, and these Three are one in the Eternal Law, and the Law is with God and the Law proceeds from God. All things are created by Law and without it is not anything created that existeth. In the Word is Life and Substance, the Fire and the Light. The Love and the Wisdom, are One for the Salvation of all. And the Light shineth in darkness and the darkness concealeth it not. The Word is the one Life-giving Fire, which shining into the world becometh the fire and light of every soul that entereth into the world. I am in the world, and the world is in Me, and the world knoweth it not. I come to my own House, and my friends receive Me not. But as many as receive and obey, to them is given the power to become the Sons and Daughters of God, even to them who believe in the Holy Name, who are born--not of the will of the blood and flesh, but of God. And the Word is incarnate and dwelleth among us, whose Glory we beheld, full of Grace. Behold the Goodness, and the Truth and the Beauty of God!

    Conceptions and Nativities

  • I (1) The Parentage and Conception of John the Baptist
  • II (2) The Immaculate Conception of Jesus the Christ
  • III (3) The Nativity of John the Baptist.
  • IV (4) The Nativity of Jesus the Christ.
  • V (5) The Manifestation of Jesus to the Magi
  • VI (6) Childhood and Youth of Jesus the Christ - He Delivereth a Lion from the Hunters
  • VII (7) The Preaching of John the Baptist.
  • VIII (8) The Baptism of Jesu-Maria the Christ
  • VIX (9) The Four Temptations
  • X (10) Joseph and Mary Make a Feast Unto Jesus - Andrew and Peter Find Jesus.
  • XI (11) The Anointing by Mary Magdalene
  • XII (12) The Marriage in Cana - The Healing of the Nobleman's Son
  • XIII (13) The First Sermon in the Synagogue of Nazareth
  • XIV (14) The Calling of Andrew and Peter - The Teaching of Cruelty in Animals - The Two Rich Men
  • XV (15) The Healing of the Leper and the Palsied - The Deaf Man
  • XVI (16) Calling of Matthew - Parable of the New Wine in the Old Bottles
  • XVII (17) Jesus Sendeth Forth the Twelve and their Fellows
  • XVIII (18) Jesus Sendeth Forth the Two and Seventy
  • XIX (19) Jesus Teacheth how to Pray - Error even in Prophets
  • XX (20) The Return of the Two and Seventy
  • XXI (21) Jesus Rebuketh Cruelty to a Horse - Condemneth Service of Mammon - Blesseth Infants
  • XXII (22) The Restoration of Iairus' Daughter
  • XXIII (23) Jesus and the Samaritan Woman
  • XXIV (24) Jesus Denounces Cruelty Healeth the Sick
  • XXV (25) The Sermon on the Mount (part I)
  • XXVI (26) The Sermon on the Mount (part II)
  • XXVII (27) The Sermon on the Mount (part III)
  • XXVIII (28) Jesus Releaseth the Rabbits and Pigeons
  • XXIX (29) He Feedeth Five Thousand with Six Loaves and Seven Cluster of Grapes - Heals

    The Sick - Jesus Walketh on the Water

  • XXX (30) The Bread of Life and the Living Vine
  • XXXI (31) The Bread of Life and the Living Vine - Jesus Teacheth the Thoughtless Driver
  • XXXII (32) God the Food and Drink of All
  • XXXIII (33) By the Shedding of Blood of Others Is No Remission of Sins
  • XXXIV (34) Love of Jesus for All Creatures - His Care for a Cat
  • XXXV (35) The Good Law-The Good Samaritan - Mary and Martha - On Divine Wisdom
  • XXXVI (36) The Woman Taken in Adultery - The Pharisee and the Publican
  • XXXVII (37) The Regeneration of the Soul
  • XXXVIII (38) Jesus Condemneth the Ill Treatment of Animals
  • XXXIX (39) The Kingdom of Heaven (Seven Parables)
  • XL (40) Jesus Expoundeth the Inner Teaching to the Twelve
  • XLI (41) Jesus setteth free the Caged Birds - The Bind Man denied that Others Saw
  • XLII (42) Jesus Teaches Concerning Marriage
  • XLIII (43) Jesus Teaches Concening the Riches of this World - Washing of Hands -

    Eating of Unclean Meats

  • XLIV (44) The Confession of the Twelve - Christ the True Rock
  • XLV (45) Seeking for Signs. The Unclean Spirit
  • XLVI (46) The Transfiguration on the Mount - The Giving of the Law
  • XLVII (47) The Spirit Gives Life - The Rich Man and the Beggar
  • XLVIII (48) Jesus Feeds One Thousand with Five Melons -Healeth the withered Hand -

    Rebuketh Hypocrisy

  • XLIX (49) The True Temple of God
  • L (50) Christ the Light of the World
  • LI (51) The Truth Makes Free
  • LII (52) The Pre-Existence of Christ
  • LIII (53) Jesus Healeth the Blind on the Sabbath - Jesus at the Pool of Siloam
  • LIV (54) The Examination of the Blind Man - A Living Type of the House of God
  • LV (55) Christ the Good Shepherd
  • LVI (56) The Raising of Lazarus from his Sleep in the Tomb
  • LVII (57) Concerning Little Children - The Forgiveness of Others - Parable of the Fishes
  • LVIII (58) Divine Love to the Repentant
  • LIX (59) Jesus Forewarneth His Disciples - Glad Tidings to Zacchaeus
  • LX (60) Jesus Rebukes Hypocrisy
  • LXI (61) Jesus Foretelleth the End
  • LXII (62) Parable of the Ten Virgins
  • LXIII (63) Parable of the Talents
  • LXIV (64) Jesus Teacheth in the Palm Circle The Divine Life and Substance
  • LXV (65) The Last Anointing by Mary Magdalene - Neglect not the Present Time
  • LXVI (66) Jesus Again Teacheth His Disciples concerning the Nature of God - The Kingdom of God - The Two in One
  • LXVII (67) The Last Entry into Jerusalem - The Sheep and the Goats
  • LXVIII (68) The Householder and the Husbandmen - Order out of Disorder
  • LXIX (69) The Christ Within the Soul - The Resurrection and the Life - Salome's Question
  • LXX (70) Jesus Rebukes Peter's Haste
  • LXXI (71) The Cleansing of the Temple
  • LXXII (72) The Many Mansions in the One House
  • LXXIII (73) Christ The True Vine
  • LXXIV (74) Jesus Foretelleth Persecutions
  • LXXV (75) The Last Paschal Supper
  • LXXVI (76) Washing of the Feet - The Eucharistic Oblation.
  • LXXVII (77) The Agony in Gethsemane
  • LXXVIII (78) The Betrayal
  • LXXIX (79) The Hebrew Trial before Caiaphas
  • LXXX (80) The Sorrow and Penance of Judas
  • LXXXI (81) The Roman Trial Before Pilate
  • LXXXII (82) The Crucifixion
  • LXXXIII (83) The Burial of Jesus
  • LXXXIV (84) The Resurrection of Jesus
  • LXXXV (85) Jesus Appeareth to Two at Emmaus
  • LXXXVI (86) Jesus Appeareth in the Temple - Blood Sacrifices Cease
  • LXXXVII (87) Jesus Appeareth to the Twelve
  • LXXXVIII (88) The Eighth Day after the Resurrection
  • LXXXIX (89) Jesus Appeareth at the Sea of Tiberias
  • XC (90) What is Truth
  • XCI (91) The Order of the Kingdom (part I)
  • XCII (92) The Order of the Kingdom (part II)
  • XCIII (93) The Order of the Kingdom (part III)
  • XCIV (94) The Order of the Kingdom (part IV)
  • XCV (95) The Ascension of Christ
  • XCVI (96) Pouring Out of the Spirit - The Taking of Mary and Joseph
    Introduction | Complete Index 01 thru 96
    01 thru 10 | 11 thru 20 | 21 thru 30 | 31 thru 40 | 41 thru 50
    51 thru 60 | 61 thru 70 | 71 thru 80 | 81 thru 89 | 90 thru 96
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