Gloria's Story

In Chinese cosmology they say that there are four periods of time and each has its own characteristics. I figure I've lived through at least four periods, maybe five and in each one a different kind of person. I spent a time as a suburban housewife and raised a family in New England. That was one time...

I've done a lot of adventuresome things as well. I've flown in the Powder Puff, I led an expedition to a dive site on a pre Columbian Wreck in the Caribbean, I've raced a sports car for prize money and panned for gold in Maine....but that was all in another time. I went to Orlando, Florida when Disney opened up there and worked in travel and hospitality. Seemed like a good idea then, but that was in another time...

Then, I came to Hollywood with a script under my arm. Like all new writers I had visions and expectations. Naturally, I didn't sell my very first script. (I made up for it later.) But I got work in the entertainment industry as an film editor (That experience in Florida included running a production company making commercials with my partner, Dan). Once, between engagements - as they say in tinsel town where no one is ever laid off - a guy who had a talent agency with a comfy casting couch had little time or taste for reading scripts by wannabes (you've heard those stories) and he gave me the job. Well, I read 'em and read 'em and ever since, I've been hooked on stories.

In thinking about it, I guess I always was. I eventually put together my own agency and can proudly say that I have helped a few writers get their work in print. Oh, yes. I wrote a book with tips on how to beat the odds on getting published that has helped a lot of ambitious and talented people and is fast becoming a classic. It is called Do The Write Thing: Making the Transition to Professional. If you want a copy, you can find out how to get one for yourself at the web site directly from the publisher or Barnes and Noble, though they seem to run out every once in a while. Contacting the publisher is a quicker fix. (I still have a few copies in a carton under the bed - so just ask me.)

My second book is ready for the publisher. It is all about writing love, sex and romance for the movies. It's called "Reel Romance" and will be in print this year. The content for the books are taken from the classes we lead at Los Angeles Community College. The latest program (and book) is one that is directed at all the writers who want someday to write a novel, but don't know how to get started. It's called: "A Novel Beginning" and is slated for publication in 2006.

Recently, in the first decade of the digital age, I've had a chance to do some innovative and ground breaking activities doing interviews and hosting live chat sessions with designers of interactive content. I also get a chance to attend lots of conferences and sit in on planning sessions. You can see interviews and reviews in many places on the internet: For news of our digital doin's, check in to The Mouse Trap page. The whole list of places where my work is posted, can be found at my web log page.

We conduct columns at The Mouse Trap Column and one lame duck thing: HollywoodNetWork(Be warned, - they change the page addresses as often as most people change business cards.) Nevertheless, I am a member of the faculty there) and this summer I willbe participating in the Santa Barbara Writer's Conference. Our interactive program is detailed at Interactive Writing Course

I've been doing some consulting for games and online design. Just can't get way from it - but then, who would want to?

Now - The most exciting news of all... We are conducting classes on line in - The Virtual Classroom -- with students coming from all over the globe. It's designed to accommodate individual schedules - for reasons relating to the demands of work or perhaps even for family considerations - or are simply unable to make a commitment to a regular study program. It's working out just fine. We are having phenomonal success and our students are starting to make a difference. If you are looking for a new job on the Information Superhighway, and going back to college for a full academic program is just not your cup of tea, you're welcome to check it out. Classes start frequently.

If you have questions about writing - research needs or are looking for a collaborator, whatever it is you are having trouble finding the ansers to, just leave them at the The Writer's Guru. The Guru'll see that they get answered.

If you want to read reviews of my book, there are several, (it is getting to be a web regular), you can find them at Do The Write Thing and ... well, they are on several sites. If it's too much to remember, just click on the link and you will be transported to my webography. where all the URLs where my work can be found. Awesome, isn't it? But lots of fun.

The Virtual Drama Society is dedicated to immersive drama and I have been invited to be a charter member. Of course, I said yes. If you are interested in creating a digital society, or even a if you are fascinated by finding a new way of storytelling, you'll like what you find here.

The Police Writer's Club hosts a regular column with lots of hints about writing and getting published.

And you'll want to get all the latest news of the interactive world. The dirt on digital, as they say. Find out what's up with our students and the latest gadgets for the electronically challenged. You can be sure whatever it is, it'll be interactive.

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention The Mouse Trap live chat guaranteed to capture your mouse or hold it a moment or two. Stop in and find out what all the excitement is about. As soon as we get our inteactivce story going, we will post the URL address there.

What else? You mean there's more? Of course. We have a Board room for writers at Dejanews and a Newsletter with all sorts of news you can use. If you would like to be placed on the list for the newsletter (It's free!) e-mail me at and it will reach me. I am a netizen of the Global Community and proud of it, though I never dreamed it would happen in just this way. How I ended up on a page on the World Wide Web seems to fit in with the rest of my life. It seems like this time is more than just another time. It is the most challenging and most rewarding of all.

The Wild Wild West Room - What Stuffs Goin' On - The Room With Tom n' Jerry 'n Lionel 'n Karl
Ah! - The Library. At Last! - The Long List of Web sites - Ask the Guru