- Groups and Organisations
An umbrella group for Pagan networking in Australia. The
page contains contact information, articles about Paganism
in Australia and how to obtain copies of Pagan Times,
the best Pagan mag in Australia. There is also contact information
for each of the State Co-ordinators.
Alliance New South Wales
Homepage for the Pagan Alliance NSW. Contains articles
from the state newsletter and contact information. Newsletter
is put out eight times a year near Sabbats.
Pagan Alliance South
Homepage for the Pagan Alliance SA. Contains articles from
the state newsletter and contact information. Newsletter
is put out eight times a year near Sabbats.
Pagan Alliance
Homepage for the Pagan Alliance QLD. Contains articles
from the state newsletter and contact information. Newsletter
is put out eight times a year near Sabbats.
Pagan Alliance Tasmania
Homepage for the Pagan AllianceTAS. Contains articles from
the state newsletter and contact information. Newsletter
is put out eight times a year near Sabbats.
NovaPagan -
Newcastle Pagan Information
Information source for Pagans in Newcastle and the Hunter
Valley. Listings of people wanting contacts, local events
and issues and information on where to purchase supplies.
Also info on regular meetings.
Pagan Awareness
The Pagan Awareness Network is a pro-active educational
network dedicated to not only correcting the misinformation
about Witches and Pagans but to educate the General public,
with the goal of bringing the Pagan community together and
religious freedom for all without the fear of persecution.
P.A.N supports any God and Goddess Nature based religion
governed by the three fold law and following the Rede, An
ye harm none Do as you will.
National Pagans
at the Pub Listings
The National Pagans at the Pub Network presents this information
and links without bias and in good faith. They are provided
as contacts only and are not necessarily associated with
National Pagans at the Pub Network.
an Fhithich (Gaelic Druid Order of the Southern Cross)
"Sgiath an Fhithich" is a Seed Group of "The Order of Bards,
Ovates and Druids" which traces it’s origins to 1717 [although
it’s roots go right back into pre-history] . This Seed Group
now has 7 members and is run by two Ovates, Richard and
Kerrie Alcorn in Armadale, Western Australia.
Coven of Lothlorien
This homepage is the cyber home of a Brisbane-based coven.
There is ritual and majick information as well as meditations.
(This site takes A LONG time to load - Laren).
CAW Australia
The homepage of the Church of All Worlds in Australia.
Includes contact information, a history of the Church and
upcoming events.
Applegrove is an eclectic group of pagans based in Sydney,
Australia. We are a teaching grove with a Celtic and Wiccan
base. We have no leaders as such, we all teach each other
and contribute to the circle. Applegrove presents two public
pagan gatherings per year as well as running workshops at
other gatherings in New South Wales and the Australian Capital
Pagan Information Centre
The Australian Pagan Information Centre was established
in 1983 to provide an authoritative reference point on all
aspects of the Paganism , both of belief structures (witchcraft
and magic) and of the phenomena and practises (herbalism,
altered states etc.). With an extensive library of texts
and notes, video and audio recordings, the Centre can provide
information on, or into, most areas of occult learning.
Contacts Australia wide and overseas provide supporting
information. APIC now publishes a formost magical digest
of the best of articles from around the world.
Wyrd Spyders Creating
This group is based in Melbourne. Many activities are aimed
to women only groups.
Spiritualities Homepage
This is the home of the Alternative Spiritualities Club
based at Monash University. Has pages and links dealing
with Astaru, OTO, a page of events,
Rune Guild
A homepage dedicated to the study of the Runes, including
the history of the Germanic peoples who orginated their
of Elder Troth
The Assembly of the Elder Troth (A.E.T.) is a coalition
of religious and spiritual groups dedicated to the worship
(in the pre-Christian sense of praise, admiration, veneration
and great respect; from Old English - weorthscipe.) and/or
the understanding of the function (as Archetypes) of the
Ancient Gods / Goddesses and Ancestral Spirits (Wights )
of Northern Europe, as described in the writings known as
the Eddas and Sagas. These Ancient Gods are called the Aesir
and/or the Vanir. This worship is generally called Asatru
ie. True to the Gods. We acknowledge Asatru as a spiritual
path for Personal and Social evolution. A plain page with
basic contact information.
Asatru Kindred of Australasia Incorporated
"Asatru" is an Icelandic word used to describe those who
follow the ancient pre-christian Pagan Spirituality of Northern
Europe. It means "True to the Gods". Sometimes this "Way"
is called the "Elder Troth" or one of a number of other
names. It was the principal Pagan spirituality in a range
of countries, from England and Iceland, Holland, Germany
and Scandinavia to Prussia, the Baltic States and the Steppes
of Russia. Asatru was even found in Constantinople. Of course,
in ancient times , many of these areas had different names.
A National Organisation for Pagans and Heathens in Australasia.
Wiccan Guild of Queensland
The Wiccan Guild of Queensland is a non-profit organisation
dedicated to promoting, preserving, and practicing Wicca,
as well as uniting the Queensland Wiccan community within
a single body.
- Individuals
Pagan Postcards
A great, free service that allows Pagans to send Pagan
themed electronic postcards at any time, but especially
useful near the Sabbats. (Site now situated in the USA).
An excellent page from Canberra based Witch, Shedea. Some
essay's on being a Witch in the Southern Hemisphere and
a great section called, Lines for Circles - Wiccan Mystical
Seance of the Sable Witch
Personal homepage with one solitary Witches' journey on
the Pagan Path.
The Witches' Workshop
Lilitu Babalon's home on the web. Information on a wide
variety of topics including, The Chakras, Reiki Healing,
Crystals, Goddesses including a Temple to Lilith and much
Arias NightMoon's
Wiccan Realm
Dedicated to dispelling some of the common misconceptions
about modern Witchcraft this site provides information on
the various facets of one of the worlds oldest religions,
Wicca. This site, influenced by the "Southern Hemisphere"
ways, features an explanation of the Sabbats, Moon Phases,
Craft Tools, and much more.
The Offical Fiona Horne
This is the offical website for Fione Horne, Australian
author, witch and performing artist. The site has articles
written by Fiona on her experiences of witchcraft as well
as music and links to other resources.
Moonshae and Stargazer's
Personal homepage of two Sydney Wiccans. Tarot, Sabbats,
Runes and links page.
Personal homepage with a Pagan/Wiccan Walk (info on Sabbats
etc), also poetry and herbal information.
Personal web site with info about Wicca in Australia.
Has some event announcements and some great graphics.
The Neo
Pagan Times
A Neo Pagan E-zine with original articles by Australian
authors. A large variety of content including poetry and
This is not a Pagan page as such but a site developed by
a Communication Arts student at Macquarie Uni. Has some
good stuff about Witchcraft in Sydney.
- Commerical Services
WebWrite Consultants
A Pagan friendly web site design firm. We can offer limited
hosting for your web site (ie no FTP access) with a short
URL. Feel free to email us to talk about your needs.
The Esoteric
Bookshop - Melbourne
Homepage of the Esoteric Bookshop, based in Hawthorn, Victoria.
The Esoteric Bookshop offers a wide range of Pagan and Wicca
related material including books, tools, herbs and other
useful items. They offer a great mail and internet order
system, based on an extremly comphrensive catalogue. (This
shop is much better than the Sydney Esoteric Bookshop in
fulfilling the material working needs of Witches and Pagans
- IMHO).
RuneMaster offer a wide range of high-quality Nordic and
Celtic pendants.
Wiccaworld has a great range of all the tools and supplies
needed by Pagans. All the basics, athames, cauldrons, chalices,
robes etc as well as herbs, oils, candles and much more.
Prices are very affordable. Check this site out, its great.
The Realm of White
White Magic have a comprehensive range of products for
the magically inclined. A wide range of incense, spell kits,
calendars, jewellery, and other accessories. Online ordering
available. They are also stockists of WitchCraft
Goddess House offers a wonderful range of handsculpted
Goddess figurines and plaques. They are lovely works, that
come in a variety of colours and finishes. Help support
a great Australian business.
Stella Australis Bookstore
The Stella Australis bookstore offers both an Academic
Isle (that deals with the study of the Witchcraft Craze
in Early Modern Europe) and also a Pagan Isle, that lists
some of the classics and new works that may be of interest
to modern Australian Pagans.