eadlines, headlines, headlines...
Coming up ...
Newsletters will be coming to you...
SensAsian Dance III 9-11-98
SensAsian Dance IV 1-29-99
Most Recent Events...
SensAsian II 4-18-98
Past Events ...
Potluck '98 9-6-98
SensAsian Successful 2-20-98
Thanksgiving Dinner! 11-26-97
Karaokee Contest ! 11-08-97
Potluck'98 09-6-98
Welcome Back Everyone! Keeping our tradition, the annual Potluck party will be held the first sunday after class begin. No fee of course, but you're required to bring your best cooking. again for those who burned down their kitchen, soda and chips would be sufficient. Location: Memorial Union - Council Room; Time: 12:00pm ~ 2:00pm.
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SensAsian Dance III 9-11-98
SensAsian Dance Nite continues this year as we welcome back all students to UW-Madison. This is the kick-off you don't want to miss. D.J. Mike Ren will be spinning the nite away with dance, euro, techno, hip hop, and more... Location: Memorial Union Tripp Commons; Time: 8:30pm ~ 1:00am.; Admission: $3 w/ UW student ID.
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SensAsian Dance IV 1-29-99
SensAsian Dance IV will be as promising as ever. Location: Memorial Union - Tripp Commons; Time: 9:00pm ~ 1:00am; Admission: $3 w/ UW student ID.
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SensAsian II 4-18-98
With the success of the first joint-venture - SensAsian Dance, CUSA will be organizing another Dance Nite - SensAsian II, this Saturday, Apr. 18th. Place: Union South Rm 109; Time: 9pm ~ 2am.; Addimisson: $3 w/ UW-ID.
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SensAsian 2-20-98
SensAsian took off with a wonderful start this past Friday night at Union South. Around a hundred and seventy dancers packed Room 204 and had a senAsianal night. Experts believe that the name SensAsian will become very well known throughout the Madison Asian community and will become more and more successful in the future.
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Thanksgiving Dinner! 11-26-97
As an annual tradition, CUSA hosted a Thanksgiving Dinner (Huo3 Guo1) on Wednesday, Nov. 26th. About 25 to 30 people came for this year's dinner along with many new faces.
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Karaoke Contest !!! 11-08-97
Having as much singing talent as all of us do(with maybe a few exceptions), we have decided to show it off. CUSA will be sponoring a joint Karaoke Contest with CLCC (Chinese Language & Culture Club). This event will be held at 9:30 pm, on November 8th, which is next next Saturday, at Ruby's(new South Towne location). So come sing, drink, chat and cheer your team on!!
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