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ISWZA Fraternity, Inc. is an independent organization incorporated under the laws of the State of New York. ISWZA Fraternity, Inc. is the corporate entity of Omicron Zeta of The Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., of Indianapolis, Indiana, and as such is non-profit and tax-exempt with respect to Internal Revenue Code, Section 501.c.2 as thereunder noted.

Omicron Zeta is the chartered, recognized, active subordinate chapter ("zeta") of The Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. The Active (or Undergraduate) Chapter of Omicron Zeta is the sole and exclusive unit of The Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, and is a dues-paid, recognized, full member and participant in the InterFraternity Council of Cornell University, and as such is recognized as a registered campus organization under the auspices of the Associate Dean of Students for Fraternity and Sorority Affairs.

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The documents that comprise this system are Copyright © 1996 by ISWZA Fraternity, Inc., 125 Edgemoor Lane, Ithaca, New York 14850-3901 U.S.A. All Rights Reserved.

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"Cornell University," the Cornell University logo, the crest of Cornell University, the seal of Cornell University, the Cornell Bear, and the Cornell "C," by [the Trustees of] Cornell University.

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The Coat of Arms of Lambda Chi Alpha, the Badge of Membership of Lambda Chi Alpha, and the Resolutions of the General Assembly, by The Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

All other product names referred to, by their respective manufacturers.

Home Page updated 22 August 1996 by
by Jason J Cho '97 O-1512