Omicron Zeta Actives
Presenting the Brotherhood
- Active Roll
- List of e-mail and telephone numbers of current brothers by class.
- Picture Gallery
- Includes current composite (large)
- Link Gallery
- An assortment of sites related to individual and house interests.
- Sh*t buddy, it's Virtual Melton!
- Omicron's cook and confidante for over 20 years.
Welcome to Lambda Chi
- Lambda Chi Alpha: It's Where You Belong
- Rush at the fraternity of honest friendship.
- Helping Others Help: Philanthropy
- Northside Community Center, Loaves and Fishes, and how we help them
- Tradition and Anticipation: Social Events
- From Days Parties to DOTWs
- Planning a road trip?
- Driving directions to the chapter house.
- Parents' Club
- The word is out: college students do, in fact, have parents.
The Beta Board: House Calendar
- Calendar of Events
- High Sigma's Corner
- Exam schedules and school deadlines
- High Gamma's Corner
- Campus directories
- High Jock's Corner
- Intramural information and athletic facility schedules
- High Iota's Corner: Risk Management
- It's that kind of world.
Officers and Laws
- Officer Roster
- Contact information for chapter boards, officers and committees.
- House Meeting Minutes
- By-Laws of the Active Chapter of Omicron Zeta
- General Assembly Resolutions of Lambda Chi Alpha
- Constitution and Statutory Code of Lambda Chi Alpha
- Cornell University Policy Department
Copyright © 1996 ISWZA Fraternity, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Updated 22 August 1996
by Jason J Cho '97