Last Supper Displays


In 1970 a replica of Jesus' last supper using traditional Jewish food and pottery was held at Lija.  In 1994 this idea was developed further by the Kumpannija Talent Zebbugi of Zebbug. They created a typical Jewish cenacle, reproducing the Jewish customs through its furnishings, the laying of the table and the food prepared according to the Jewish rite. Life size figures representing Jesus and the Apostles are seated at the table. Other statues represent the members of the household where the feast was held. A similar display was set up in 1995 at the St. Philip's Band Club, Zebbug.

Both displays are very popular with Maltese and tourists due to their realistic appearances.

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Whole Lamb grilled according to the Jewish rite (Talent Zebbugi, Zebbug)

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Jewish food (Talent Zebbugi, Zebbug)

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Vegetables and dried fruits (Talent Zebbugi)

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The life-size figures of Jesus and the Apostles at Talent Zebbugi, Zebbug.

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The life-size figures of Jesus and the Apostles at St. Philip Band Club, Zebbug.



Mejda ta' l-Appostli skond ir-rit Lhudi. Zebbug: Talent Zebbugi, 1998.

Wirja tal-Gimgha l-Kbira fil-Kazin Banda San Filep. Zebbug: Kazin Banda San Filep, 1998.


(c) Connie Bonnici 1998


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