Fishing Graphic

My Fishing Pictures

This is me crossing Lake Fontana N.C. by boat launch. Four of us from Louisville, Ky. Dons Picturego to the Smoky Mountains each spring for four days of backpacking, camping and trout fishing. This trip took us to Hazel Creek.

A good day at Taylorsville Lake,Ky

I enjoy fishing for smallmouth bass and trout preferably in streams.

Flyfishing and spincasting each has its advantages.

The fish pictured on the right are hybrid stripers from Taylorsville Lake about 25 miles from my home in Jeffersontown, a bedroom community of Louisville. These beauties were caught from a canoe.

Trout from the White River below Bull Shoals

"Any day fishing is better than a day at work !"

Do you want to read a Kentucky stream fishing story?

If you have a fish story or favorite picture please mailbox email me

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created 30 May, 1997