places to go, people to see...

Friends: In Real Life? What Life?
[link] Yes, I do have friends. Otherwise known as the list of people I probably owe money, this page will help you get acquainted with the kind of minds I consort with on this rock. Each in their own way claim to be a bad influence on me -- for the small taste of the bizzare they provide, I thank them. Maybe after a tour through their worlds you'll better understand why I'm as twisted as I am.

Journals: Other Peoples' Lives
[link] If I had a nickel for every time an exasperated web-wanderer asked, "What kind of weirdo puts a diary on the web?" -- I could afford lunch! Here's a smattering of other outposts of text-based exhibitionism, many of which serve as inspiration (if not competition) for my efforts here in oZ. If I've been neglecting my diary, get your voyeuristic fix here.

Exchange: A Link for a Link
[link] A mixed-plate selection of personal home pages, gleefully reviewed by yours truly. Have you ever wondered what other folks stop through this dark and musty corner of cyberspace? Are you actually crazy enough to admit your visit to the world? Here's the deal: Any page sent to me will be added on two conditions. First, you reciprocate with a link back here. Second, your listing will be subject to my own brand of commentary.

Whatever: Guilty Pointless Pleasures
[link] These pages won't change your life... or at least, for your sake, I hope they don't. Even so, in my sickeningly excessive wanders on the web, I've found some sites that have an attraction even more mysterious than the pet rock craze of the '70s. If its a link I love that absolutely refuses to fit anywhere else, you'll find it here.

page last screwed with: 7 may 1997 [ oZ ] complain to: