Harmony Elementary School
Chateauguay, Quebec, Canada

Construction File.........Final update: November 14, 1997

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It is a pleasure to bring this weekly update to you on the construction of Harmony Elementary School.

We are in the process of constructing a new elementary school that saw construction commence in early March 1997 and to be ready for opening in September 1997. The name, recently adopted by the School Board for the new school, is not only symbolic of 'living in harmony', 'learning in harmony', 'playing in harmony', etc. but well suited to a school that is to be located in the area of Chateauguay referred to as "Musical Village".

It is without doubt that the success of this project is based on the concerted effort of a team of professionals that are working so hard to assure that Harmony Elementary School will be a first-class facility for the children who will be attending the school in the Fall of 1997.

Find following, an update on the ongoing construction of Harmony Elementary School.

Harmony Elementary School Construction Progress Update

To be expanded before the end of original construction:

With the changes in the organization of curriculum and the modification to Kindergarten to become a full-day, approval to add an additional kindergarten to Harmony School has already met with approval by the Ministry of Education and the plans are being modified to include the additional extension to the school wihin the ongoing construction project.

Monday, March 10,1997:
Harmony Elementary School is about to come into being. With the construction trailor on site, the digging, (after clearing the snow), is about to begin. For the mostpart the planning has been completed and now the follow-up on construction and the preparing for entry of the classes in September will go into high-gear.

Saturday, April 5,1997:
Harmony Elementary School can now be seen in its layout form as the base foundations have been poured and the footing prepared to accept the first stages of the steel structure.

Friday, April 11,1997:
Harmony Elementary School takes on a 3 dimentional form as the initial work on the erection of the steel has commenced. With this work the school is now taking on its visual form. In addition, during this past week, the scale model of the "Integration of the Arts" project was presented by the artists (the Kozics) and approved by the committee that is chaired by a representative of the Ministry of Culture.

Friday, April 17,1997:
The structural steel now completed, the construction has moved on to the roofing phase with the base foundation, the membrane and the insulation being put into place for completion within a week. The project work for next week will entail the start of brickwork and the installation of the underground piping for the plumbing throughout the school.

Friday, April 25,1997:
Taking shape, Harmony school's block walls were commenced this week as well as the underground and base work on the plumbing systems. A decision this week was taken to include the skylight which was in jeapordy, and thus, was re-instated into the project. This element will enhance the whole concept of the center hall and provide natural light over the childrens' village.

Sunday, May 11,1997:
The block-work on the exterior near finished, the interior work on the principle duct work for the heating, airconditioning, and air exchange program is now well underway. Window framing is being put in place and the roof work is near complete. The school taking on its form is becoming a focal point for local neighbors as they can visualize the school that will become note only the local elementary school but the social, cultural, and sporting center of their neighborhood.

Friday, May 16,1997:
The completion of the block-work on the first floor and the initial sealing of the blockwork has been completed. The pouring of the ground-floor slab has been effected and the continuation of heating and ventilation systems brings the school closer to being ready to commence the installation of the exterior brickwork, the windows and the start of the work on the interior of the building.

Friday, May 23,1997:
With the blockwork completed and the sealing of the structure complete, the building is ready to accept a blown-on insulation process and the installation of the window and door units.

Friday, May 30,1997:
During this past week, the installation of the exterior walls was completed and considerable work is underway in terms of erecting the inner block division walls and the installation of the final stages of duct-work for the interior fresh air exchange systems.

Wednesday, June 4,1997:
While work continues in the interior, the brickwork is well underway on the exterior. Upon entering the shell of the building, one can now readily visualize the interior composition of the school. The twelve classrooms, two kindergartens, garderie, gymnasium, and the general layout of the support areas and administrative center can be seen as the construction proceeds.

Friday, June 13,1997:
The building is now secured with all windows in place and as the brickwork nears completion the interior becomes the focal point of the construction. The construction of the 12 teaching stations is basically complete and the base-coat painting has commenced and the suspended ceilings are in the hanging of the frames stage.

Friday, June 20,1997:
This week, while work continued at quite a pace, the visual changes to the school are less than evident. Less than evident, particularly on the exterior as the majority of work is taking place on the interior. The electricians have been busy at work on the wiring for both electrical and communication needs including the integrated wiring of each classroom for internet connectivity.

Friday, June 29,1997:
The final choices of colors for the interior, including the floor tiles, have been made. The center hall, including the concept of a "children's village" is now taking form and from the balcony on the second floor you can visualize the future, a very interesting concept in new-school construction. While the construction continues, the task of coordinating the purchase of teaching materials and equipment for the new school and the opening of the new year is in full swing.

Friday, July 4,1997:

There is going to be a Harmony #2. Yes, the Goeland School Board has decided to build a replica of our school, Harmony Elementary School, in Lapraire, Quebec. After viewing the plans and the developed concept, the school board was very excited about this school design and has decided to replicate the school with additional classrooms on the second floor of the administration wing. Our design previews similar additional classrooms, and the structural work on Harmony school is prepared to handle four additional classrooms on the second floor should they become necessary in the future.

Friday, July 11,1997:
As work progresses on the interior, the construction workers prepare for the annual "Construction Holiday Close-down". During the past week, interior painting has commenced with the primer coats being applied. As well, the finishing touches to the hallways' ceiling work has been added. The artists, in accordance with their timeline to produce art in conformity with the Ministry's 'Integration of the Arts Program', have advised us that the stain-glass windows (5) are ready for installation following the close-down.

Friday, July 18 & 25,1997:
Due to the construction decree, that declares the last two complete weeks of the month of July as vacation with an imposed "construction shut-down", NO work has taken place on the Harmony Elementary School job-site.

Friday, August 1,1997:
With the construction holiday finished, construction has recommenced and the work shedule has been intensified in order to complete the school to accept the children in September. The school was changing daily as the floor tile workers completed the classrooms during the current week. The painters have continued to work towards completion. The electicians and ventilation teams have been completing their work in the installation of lighting, alarm systems and intercom systems as well as completing the ventilation work. Exterior brick work is near completion and the final installation of doors and sill flashing is well underway. Each day sees the school come closer to completion.

Friday, August 8,1997:
"PROBLEM":.... As the weeks fly by in preparation for school opening, the construction project faced a problem. Due to guide wires on poles on the city land that hold flood-lights for the baseball crossing and passing through Hydro wires, Hydro Quebec would not provide power to the school. In addition, a required test of security systems could not be effected without the connection of electricity. To compound the problem, the scheduling of sub-contractors had to be modified since the temporary power being supplied to the building could not accomodate the various sub-contractors all working at the same time. While work progressed, at a somewhat reduced rate, the priority was to find a solution in working with the city to assure the connection of power at the earliest possible date. This was the first time that we felt that the opening of school was put in jeapordy and contingency planning was put into effect. As of Friday, August 8, 1997 we had overcome the aforementioned problems and were again optimistic that the school would be sufficiently completed to accomodate the children for the opening of school.

Friday, August 15,1997:
As the school year is about to begin, the school takes on a more completed hue daily. During this past week the laying of tile is all but complete, blackboards (green) and pin-boards have been installed, washroom fixtures are in progress and the base flooring on the gymnasium has been laid. Final painting continues and the first part of the art being integrated into the project in terms of stained glass windows have been installed. (Please access the Integration of the Arts page for details) The ceramic work in the washrooms is scheduled for the beginning of next week. The clearing and leveling of the land in preparation for driveway and parking lot work is scheduled to take place over the coming weekend. While not part of the construction project itself, the installation of lockers and delivery of furniture is scheduled for the week of August 25th.

Thursday, August 21,1997:
Into the last weeks before school opening, the school again changes in appearance on the outside. The landscaping crews have levelled the land, the construction debris has been removed and the building of the driveway, parking lot, and sidewalk foundation work is being undertaken. The finishing touches to the outerwalls is complete with the final metal flashing to be installed around the roof edges.

In the interior, the finishing touches of painting are well underway. The gymnasium floor is being installed, as well as the intercom systems, telephone systems, plumbing fixtures and the final elements of the effect lighting.

Monday, August 25,1997:

Today is a "VERY SPECIAL" day. The School Board officially took posession of the school from the General Contractor. While posession was taken, it was taken with a list of deficiencies and the work towards the completion of the school will continue.

Thursday, August 28,1997:
The flurry of work continues as the preparation for school is upon us. Full teams of workers are installing the ceramics (washrooms, stairways, etc.), the lockers, final painting and the outside progresses daily. Much to our surprise, the major components for the ventilation system that were not anticipated to be delivered before mid-September have arrived, been installed and the first test of the ventilation systems took place on Wednesday of this week. The teachers, the first compliment to work at Harmony Elementary School are anxious to get to their new school and will be introduced to the facility on Friday, August 29th. with an overview of the project, the construction, the "Integration of the Arts" and followed by a tour of their new school. Work in the school in the coming week will entail the moving in of furniture, the preparation of the classrooms by the teachers and the final plans to welcome the first students on Monday, September 8, 1997.

Thursday, September 4,1997:
During the past week the building is becoming a school. On Friday last an introductory session was provided for the staff of Harmony School to bring them up to date on the events leading to the construction of the school, the construction, the arts, and what lay ahead. This was followed by a visit to the school, a toasting to their turning the building into a school and followed by a tour. As the workmen continue to finish the school in preparation for the children, the teachers have also commenced the intense work of preparing for the opening of a new school year with a new school, staff, principal and community expectations. The major thrust of work on the exterior has included the laying of the cement sidewalks and preparation of the driveways and parking lots for paving that is scheduled Friday, September 5th in the rear of the school and Tuesday, September 9th. for the front entry and staff parking area.

Monday, September 8,1997:


Today the building became a school. No, not a nuance, but the reality of Harmony School welcoming children for the first day of school for the 1997-1998 school year as the first students to attend Harmony Elementary School. Many parents joined their children to visit the new school that will be home for these children throughout their elementary school education. This was a very special day for the children, their parents and the English speaking community to be part of a new school. An opportunity that few students and parents have had in the English speaking community of Quebec in a number of years.

As the building became a school, the completion of work continued and with a coordinated effort between the contractor, the school and the Board administration will continue to its completion with the least disruption to the children as possible.

Sunday, September 14,1997:
The children have now been in Harmony Elementary School for the past week and many activities were planned to introduce them to their new school.

As the week progressed the final touches were put on the preparation of the entry driveway and parking areas ready for paving. In the quiet of Saturday, the artists (The Cozics) came to the school and installed the art as part of the Ministry of Culture's Integration of the Arts Project for Harmony Elementary School.

Tuesday, September 23,1997:
The work continues with the paving now complete and the gymnasium fixed-equipment installed. Adjustments to operating systems are ongoing including; heating and ventilation, alarm systems, intercom, etc. Much concern has been expressed regarding the children's safety with this construction having a park-school concept and the lack of fencing. In the next few weeks we are looking at a solution to this situation that may include fencing an enclosed play area within the immense school-yard / park facility. The installation of the counters and other touches in the area of woodwork will commence this Thursday.

Monday, October 5,1997:
The past week or two have been slow in seeing further developments towards the completion of the School. However, today the prefabricated counters were delivered and installation commenced. As well, the work on door hardware and a mastered lock system commenced. The contractor is now working on the list of deficiencies as outlined by the architect and the engineers.

......Official Opening Announced for November 11, 1997......

With the date established for the Official Opening, the planning of this even has taken on the final planning aspect in the construction of Harmony Elementary School.

Monday, October 20,1997:
The past week has seen some of the small completion items addressed including: adjustment to door closers, specialized cleaning of exterior brickwork, counter installation, and completion of painting, etc. in the mechanical room (a room on the mezzanine that few know exists). At the School Board meeting the installation of a playground fence was approved and the installation of sod-grass announced. It was noted that within the items of the deficiency list, all the opening windows in the cafeterial and stairwells were to be changed since they neither conformed to the specifications nor the approved shop-drawings. Exterior lighting remains problematic.

Saturday, November 8,1997:
As the final days approach before the "Official Opening", The landscaping subcontractors commenced their work in spreading topsoil, leveling and preparing for sodding of the front, sides and the perimeter of the school. The protective fencing has been installed at the expressed request of the "school committee" while this element was not included in the concept to allow free use and access to the adjacent Franco Park. While one would have expected the school to be complete by this time, there are unfortunately still several items to be completed by the contractor that seems not to be adressing the completion of this project as his priority.

Friday, November 14,1997:
Tuesday, November 11, 1997 saw "Harmony Elementary School" celebrate its "Official Opening" with officials of the School Board and Government joining together to declare the school open. The first principal of the school was presented the official "Deed of Establishment" by the Director General.

{New and updated pictures will be added shortly}

With this event, the construction file is deemed to be complete.

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