Integration of the Arts

A Ministry of Culture Program

To provide original art in public buildings.

Within the construction of all public buildings in the Province of Quebec, a budget is attributed for the inclusion of original art. The "Integration of the Arts" budget for Harmony Elementary School was established at $29,000. or equivalent to 1% of the actual construction costs (excluding land and professional fees). The conferring of the contract is based on a jury committee selecting a proposal from a local (when possible) registered artist with the Ministry of Culture. The following is an overview of the art to be included in this project and accompanied by a precis of the interpretation of the artist for the art-work that currently being developed for Harmony Elementary School.


In Homer's time, the Greek word "harmonia" meant "adjusting" and signified the joining of material elements such as the assembly of pieces of wood. As centruies passed, the term "harmony" became more philosophical and assumed a more aesthetic nuance.

Harmony is the link relating different parts of a complex group, where opposing forces compensate to form a whole which is coherent, happy and satisfying to the spirit and senses.

The proposed art work for Harmony Elementary School in Chateauguay, Quebec is intended to express this complementary link. The components of the production do not affect the volume or ambient space. Rather, they point to precise areas. A descriptive work, it is distinguished by three zones, each of them based on a primary colour - blue, yellow and red.

Blue is the deepest of all colours, engulfing our gaze. Cold but spiritual, it is -- in its absolute value - the purest of colours, representing potential. It is a little like entering the world of Alice in Wonderland, passing through the looking glass to the other side. It affords access to a polyvalent community where different views of our world may be expressed.

This complex world is symbolized by the blue circle divided into several double pieces. Its shape evokes the earth -- the world -- also known as the blue planet.

Inspired by the Chinese Tangram puzzle, known as The Small Plate of Wisdom, the blue circle with its diverse parts can be manipulated, allowing us to constitute with great efficiency evocative and significant images.

The Tangram is a game based on a certain number of simple geometric figures which respond to ancient requirements" "It is within the limitation that the Master reveals himsilf." The Tangram player is free to practise his game according to his desire and temperament.

Within the great variety of images which can be made using pieces of the blue circle, five have been chosen as being representative of natural elements: A seed, a leaf, a plant, an insect, and a bird.

Each of the images is inscribed on one of five stained-glass windows, permitting the background of sky to permeate the interior of the school.

Intense, violent, penetrating and shrill to the point of stridence or ample and blinding like the flow of molten metal. Yellow is the most expansive and ardent of colours which always surpasses its borders.

It is the road to communication, the mediation between man and his objective. Energized awareness represented by a yellow banner belted cinched by a fluted polychrome cylinder symbolizing the veil of concealment surrounding knowledge, which is partiall revealed thanks to its cylindrical movement.

If the yellow veil is the face of knowledge and education to be acquired, then the shape and segmented colours of the cylinder evoke the different scholastic means of attaining that objective. The yellow zone is found over the door providing access to the classrooms.

For many people, red is No.1 among the colours -- the link with the tangible, material aspects of life. It is the incarnation of both feminine and masculine; ardour and beauty; impulsive and reflexion.

Above the entrance to the gymnasium is the shape of a rocket cone. In the centre of the cone is a pictogram showing an open hand making the gesture of an offering. The vault shape connects the curved lines at the top with the straight base lines, symbolizing the union of heaven and earth. This red arch is expressive of the desire to lift oneself, to triumph from earth's gravity, giving the impression of ascendance.

The hand is a symbol of dominance, attached to the idea of physical activity, mastery and control of material world. When opened, the hand symbolizes the absence of fear which is necessary for acceding to a higher level. As red is the premier colour, so is the hand the principal tool.

Two columns of red indicate limits, acting as boundaries while framing the gymnasium doors. They represent passage from one world to another, a transitory voyage to one's abode.

September 4, 1997
The School Board has been notified by the artists, the "Koziks", their work is complete and ready for installation. The installation of the aforementioned art will take place over a weekend in the very near future. Primarily when the school is complete, cleaned, and free from further construction dust and dirt.

September 13, 1997

The Art is Delivered

Saturday, September 13th., the artists arrived at the school in the quiet of a Saturday morning to install their oringinal collection. This work is in addition to and compliments the stained glass windows that were installed during the construction of the school.

The Final Touch

With the recent installation of the artist's plaque, the "Integration of the Arts" project is complete. At the "Official Opening Ceremonines" the artists will be recognized and their interpretation of the work outlined to the participants.

With the art in place and the school having recieved many interested visitors, like all art, is receiving mixed reactions. While the art is vivid, it raises the question of what it depicts. However, once the artist's interpretation is provided or the art is explained in terms of the artist's conception, it has taken on new appreciation with all who have viewed this original creation.

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