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smoke rings

There is a way between voice and presence where information flows. In disciplined silence it opens. With wandering talk it closes. -Rumi

It seems only poets and physicists continue to ask the questions that in childhood seemed so important. Are we, as the grown up child, not only unable to laugh at our own existance, but are we unable to question that existance as before?

Notice the mundane, and it becomes wondrous.


i think quietly to my self so i understand the conversation i live quietly with my self so i'm in the way of no one i die quietly by myself so i know the outcome do you see out of the corner of your eye a shadow reclining by a tree at the edge of the school yard do you hear out of the din of the daytime stirrings a voice speaking to no one of the pain of ignorance and youth do you feel i reach out (in) try to touch you but you are only air yet so lucid and alive (alive! - i can feel your warmth) i call for you - pray for some reply but nothing comes only silence and the echo in my head of a sigh

Myself? Yesterday I did not know So it seems today The same is true - I cannot describe 'me' Causally The path I take? All I see is where I am now On this spot In Eternity Simply going with the flow That Is. Passion? Only if you knew my reality Eventually you would see That you are me.

(Yes, it's 'causally'.)

To be a child again Jumping in puddles And playing with friends Care free - oblivious to humanity To believe in fairy tales Ghosts and goblins To believe in Mom and Dad - And happy endings. I would surely give away All my life's pay - To be a child again for a day.

I close my eyes to escape conformity
I flee within
To meet the open arms
Of my imagination.


(If only I were able to wet these leaves with my essence Rather than stain them with this ink) You who hold this offering between your ears Do you know I too hold you? I 'who art thou' created you, and this - my self, for you. Let it flutter through your dreams - and perhaps upon a waking you'll remember It is you who created me. For now, many breaths gone by - To look upon these pale leaves That are part of my self... Good that they have fallen from my limbs - from my heart That they may feed any who hunger for such, And be borne again Clean and empty.

remember now all your experiences
dear old friend
by looking at the lines etched on your face
feel now all your loves and pains
by the grey hairs in the sink.
Funny, isn't it - how no time
has passed since you lost the need
for time.

The thrill of achieving - grasping
The warmth of feeling - knowing
The experience of living - being
The flash of discovering - seeing
The black of failing - losing
The birth of dying - advancing
These are some of the things that make life Life.





Links to Inner and Outer Space


You can see poetry by myself and others, published on the Web at Dreamforge

This page and all contents were created by me, unless otherwise noted. Well, okay, it was all created by the collective unconscious, but that's for another page.

outsiders have graced me
with their presence.
Reset Nov. 29, 1997.

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