The Circle of Power

Ever since the Circle of Power was formed, they were known as the strongest corp there is. Our goal is to be the best, and we are. This is strictly members only for now. So if you're not a member, leave please.

The Members: (by order of admittance)

  • Ninja Boy, Crimsom Knight
  • Wei, Wei-Riker, Knight
  • Geroge, Roge Picard, Paladin
  • B.stabber, Creed, Ash, Stuk, sTabZ
  • Bonds, Trigger,
  • Gundam, Specialized
  • John, Dy Lo
  • Vectorman, Spree Knight

    The C.O.P. Bible

    The Twar Logs

    1. Ninja Boy begins COP
    2. Starkiller begins Dominion, Known as the best player on because he was the only one there with Twar B regged.
    3. Wei writes letter for admittance (many tried). NinjaBoy accepts him cause of his letter, Wei joins under the handle of "Wei Riker".
    4. Dominion and COP rivals indirectly for the top
    5. Wei recruited Geroge and Creed, COP is fully started.
    6. Searches for 5th member to complete the corp, decided on Fire.
    7. Fire is undecided, he finally decides to join dominion
    8. This angered all of COP, Creed announces to fellow COP members to kill all players with the word "fire" in it.
    9. Later, it is revealed that "Fire" had changed his handle to "Warhawk". Wei hunts him down, was counted that Wei kills Warhawk 5 times.
    10. Starkiller starts using duplicate accounts. Starkiller becomes known for being a backstabber later.
    11. Sister joins COP, takes ftrs and leave. Ninja boy catches him/her and kicks him/her out of COP and kills him. It was later revealed sister was Starkiller.
    12. Everyone now uses TwarB. Starkiller still ranks #1 and is still feared. Wei ranks second.
    13. Problems with the corp, Geroge was good, while the other members were evil. Ninjaboy stopped playing for a few days because he lost access to his computer =). Wei learns begins robbing. Wei thinks that Ninjaboy is not doing his job as leader.
    14. Freeman (probably the best player of all time) forms "da good guys".
    15. Geroge leaves COP and joins da good guys.
    16. COP disperses. Wei becomes truly evil, Creed neutral, and Ninjaboy has not returned.
    17. All COP were still feared even as individuals.
    18. Creed gets killed by Starkiller. This sparks a direct war with Dominion. Wei swears for vengeance.
    19. Wei in one day kills every member of the dominion.
    20. Creed leaves P.O.L. then joins Wei in his "New Alliance"
    21. Ninja boy returns, COP reunited and Wei has taken leadership. Ninjaboy decides that there are only 4 founding members of COP and would not let any others in.
    22. All of COP is fully evil. All robbed and traded. Built an empire that only "da good guys" can match. "We kicked ass as COP, kicked ass when we were alone, and now that we reunited, we'll kick ass again!"
    23. Dominion is defeated. COP is ranked #2 in corps.
    24. end of the begining....

    "May C.O.P. live forever...."

    The Third Tradewars

    1. This was unlike any of the Tradewars before because of the new installment of the game to G.S. It was supposed to be new and had no bugs, but instead it came with more bugs then before.
    2. C.O.P. entered the game because they wanted to prove to newbies that we were the best, and still is. Also, most newbies thought that C.O.P. meant cops, so we had to redefine the meaning of the Circle. The last reason to enter the game was because C.O.P. was pretty innactive, and we needed to come together again; and what better chance than kicking some ass together in twar.
    3. Wei stays true to his word and restrains from entering the game.
    4. CreeD, Bonds (Type-R), and Ninja Boy (Dan) enters. Roge enters the 2nd day because he wasn't sure if any of the C.O.P. members would, he entered as dot.
    5. Starkiller is once again entered in the game, this time as 3 accounts: Ckboys, Mishell, & Yo Mama
    6. Starkiller backstabs Thrix: takes all his ftrs and abandons his own corp. Thrix was CreeD's 2nd account, used to backstab Starkiller.
    7. Dot begins to SST on 3rd day.
    8. Darien is entered into the game, just to search, finds about 40% of the universe in the 1st few days.
    9. Mishell (Starkiller) gets killed by max.. Mishell quits the tournament.
    10. March 23, 1997:1pm COP attacks Crazy Corp's Home. With the aid of Photons and John's ISS we entered, destroyed, and plundered. Wipes out about 30k ftrs. Kills all three of them: Max, CrazyIvan, and Barbarian.
    11. CrazyIvan photon's COP's base and destroys all transports to limit our money supply
    12. John limpets all 2warps around stardock
    13. CrazyIvan photons Lonewolf's sector, "." is caught in the photon
    14. Starkiller enters again as BlackHawk, Makes false treaties on the forums
    15. John dies by balance, Type-R dies in mule because of starkiller.
    16. Starkiller photons Creed, Creed gets killed by Balance.
    17. Balance dies for the last time, gets careless and gets caught by "." Balance is officially out of the tournament.
    18. CrazyIvan begins to quit, but still stayed in to see Starkiller's death.
    19. WhiteFox kills Starkiller
    20. CrazyIvan quits (suicided) when he saw the news
    21. C.O.P. just stayed for the next week and a half doing nothing :)
    22. John becomes winner

    "May C.O.P. Reign Forever....."

    Lord Logs

    1. Lord begins, not much knows how to play
    2. Everyone goes by themselves because there was no such thing as clans
    3. CreeD starts adding COP on White Fox's handle, clans have started.
    4. COP gets ninja boy, Knight, Paladin, Creed, and Bonds in
    5. TFA, Time for Action, is formed
    6. TTD, Time to die is formed
    7. Dan posts a prize for the tournament, A Lord poster
    8. SIR clan had too much exp, big lead
    9. civilians can only go to Lv 5
    10. Wei and Ninja boy were civs
    11. The day before last day: Microbe (operator) announces that it was the last day; Wasted all resources, 1st was Creed and 2nd Bonds
    12. It was not really the last day, Miniram2 wins and Bonds gets 2nd place.
    13. End of first Tournament......

    "The Circle of Power is unbreakable...."

    Lord Tournament #2

    1. THUG, COP, SIR was there.
    2. Lots of loners, they all joined the -*- which meant the "anti-clan clan"
    3. Knight, Armani, Saberwolf, WhiteFox, Gundam, Darien were in Lv1-5 posted.
    4. Creed & Bonds paying people.
    5. Miniram2 was losin members, and accounts.
    6. Creed becomes a dragon slayer, knows how to kill dragon quick and fast.
    7. *"Shut-off exp technique" used in the game.
    8. Whenever Creed or Bonds gets a deed, they go back to lv1 and the rest of the COP will help them out.
    9. The format was perfect, Creed & Bonds can get from lv1 to lv11 in one day.
    10. Creed wins the game with 5 heroic deeds, Bonds wins with 4 heroic deeds, miniram gets only 3.
    11. It was a complete sweep, no competition, Creed was always ahead with 2 deeds.
    12. End of 2nd Lord Tournament

    "Damn fools.. Yall Hella Dumb...."

    As the Circle of Power retires with victory, a new battle is begun. Just when our heroes have disappeared and peace have reigned, the evils of the world arrise again. It is time to redone the armor and blades. A new clan is formed, and with it, new members are acquired. The battle field is still the same, Cyberspace. The prize is the same as it once were, human souls. The battle between good and evil continues...

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