The Poetry Page!
I won't lie to you. I ain't no stinkin' poet. At least, I don't consider myself one.
(Maybe I should reconsider since I've had a couple of poems published. But be that as it may...)
But I'm sure the
average person couldn't tell a poet from a non-poet. Maybe the educated person couldn't
tell, either. It doesn't matter, really; to be a poet, all you have to
do is write something and call it a poem. I bet you could write nothing
and call it a poem, too. It'd be sort of a John Cage-style "4 pages
and 38 words of silence" or something. Or as my buddy the Chilean poet Nicanor Parra says, the only rule in poetry these days is "to improve on the blank page."
Anyway, that all aside, I wrote all these poems you see below. If you
think you can write a better one, then maybe you're right. I don't really care. Get your own webpage. It's pretty easy. You don't even need to know HTML nowadays.
You can take my survey, if you like.
Or, if you really want, you can send me criticism of any of my poems. You can be really mean if you want to.
Down below I have a link to my guestbook--that way, you can be nasty and critical and others can read what you wrote.
Poems I have written:
Dedicated to Alex 'Quy' Le and Kenton Paul 'Naida' Jones
(in conjunction with the Quy story)
Ode to Dan Coates:
If you must know, Dan Coates is a former pianist with Up with People,
and he has a series of music books that are collections of his own
'interpretive' arrangements of popular songs. They're pretty cheesy.
(that's my own opinion, of course.. you may think they're lovely, and that's okay,
even though you'd be wrong)
Ice Cubes:
I wrote this because I had to turn in four poems one day, and I had only three.
L.A. Haiku:
Celebrating our move back to Los Angeles, sorta.
Double Dactyls:
This is a form that's kinda goofy. Sort of like a
limerick but not really because it doesn't rhyme.
The Guru of Woodbine Park:
This is one of the two I had published. It's a sonnet (you know, 14 lines, iambic pentameter, a rhyme scheme).
Yeah, that's right, I said I had two poems published. One I thought was all right. The other, well,
who knows what they were thinking--I think that happens a lot, though; apparently people
know your writing better than you do. Anyway, the poems were published in the Spring 1999 edition of Rip Rap, a magazine/newspaper
which is done through the English department at CSULB. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance
to pick up a copy (they ran out pretty quick). Otherwise I would scan it right off the page
so you all could see. I don't know what the copywright situation is, but I'll probably eventually
put them up on the page. But really, for all I know, they could have had a section in the
magazine called, "Poems we think sucked." I really don't know. I'm not too worried about it, though.
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