
  Full Name: 
E-Mail Address: 
Home Phone #: 
Work Phone #:

Please RSVP for the weekend activities:

Friday Night:         ____Yes ____No 
Saturday Night:     ____Yes ____ No 
Sunday Afternoon: ____Yes ____ No

Reunion Costs: Couple $70 / Single $35 
Please make check payable to : Michelle Champagne and return along with this 
sheet in the 
self-addressed envelope provided by May 15, 1998.

Please answer these questions: 
Where have you lived in the past 10 years?

Are you married or engaged? If so, what is their name?

How long have you been married?

What is your occupation / industry that you work in? 

What schools have you attended since Woodlawn?

How have you changed over the past 10 years?

What are your future plans?

What are your greatest accomplishments?

Who are you most curious to see at the reunion? 

What classmates have you stayed in touch with?

Would you be interested in purchasing a memory book? This book would include 
reunion photos 
and updated classmate information.____ Yes ____ No

* Note: Please complete and return this sheet to the committee even if you are 
not planning to attend the reunion. We would like your updated information to 
appear in the memory book. 


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