Indigenous People Sites
These are links to some of the people we will be studying .
This site will be updated occasionally. Check back. Also, if you find interesting sites let me know.

Native American Indian Resources...a data base for researching specific Native American Indian
groups and specific topics....a good place to start
Fourth World Center for Indigenous Studies

The Yanomamo live in the Amazon jungle. Basic information about Yanamamo society can be found
at Yanomamo. An outline of facts about the environment and economy is linked here.

Inuit  (Eskimo) live in the arctic regions.  One site dealing with art is the Inuit Art and Culture Pages.
A basic curriculum unit with basic information is found at Inuuqatigiit.
The Canada site for Indian Affairs also has some information.

Australian Aborigines are the original inhabitants of Australia. One place to begin research
is the Aboriginal Studies Virtual Library.Additional information can be found in the Fourth
World Center Site linked above.

Unrepresented Nations and People of the World ...a site for people and countries you probably
have never heard of...until now...people fighting to maintain their ethnic and political autonomy.

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