About me

Family and Work Page
Balancing Work and Family - the study
Balancing Work and Family - the literature
Is there a Family Crisis?
Balancing Work and Family - the survey
Family Crisis - the survey
Other Cool Sites
About me



Highlights of Qualifications:

Excellent theoretical and practical communication skills

Good organizational skills

Strong people skills


Professional Experience:

1998 City of Coral Springs, FL, Volunteer

Performed general office duties at the City Clerks Office, the Public Works & Engineering Office and the Water Billing Office.

1998 N.W. Focal Point Senior Center, Margate, FL, Volunteer

Conducted life-history interviews with elders. Started and maintained life history groups. Supervised family discussion groups.

1994-98 ACNielsen AIM, CATI Interviewer

Conducted telephone interviews for international research and poll institute. Successfully completed market research questionnaires through courteous telephone conversations. Proved ability to remain calm and organized in stressful situations and to remain polite and forthcoming towards the respondent.

1993 Red Cross Refugee Center, Brøns, Denmark

Facilitated children's play group and general work with Somali refugees, facilitated ball games with other Refugee Centers.


Independently Funded Research on Work and Family - Florida, 1998

B.A. in Cultural Anthropology - University of Copenhagen, 1997

Exchange Student - University of Alaska, Fairbanks, 1995-96

High School - Ribe Statsseminarium & HF kursus, 1992

Exchange Student - Lincoln High school, Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin, 1989-90

Other Abilities:

Strong word processing skills with Mac & IBM platforms

Excellent research skills

Knowledge of Native American Issues

Driver's License

Experience with office and phone work

Family and Work Page | Balancing Work and Family - the study | Balancing Work and Family - the literature | Is there a Family Crisis | Bibliography | Balancing Work and Family - the survey | Family Crisis - the survey | Other Cool Sites | About me

Date Last Modified: 6/23/98