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A little over 13 years ago Dr. Chadwick made his first missions trip to the countries of India and Bangladesh. Since then he has made five additional trips to developing countries for this one reason - to provide encouragement and training for Pastors and other Christian leaders. During those trips, Dr. Chadwick conducted seminars which brought together leaders from a variety of denominational backgrounds for two and three day "times of refreshment". In all, he has ministered to well over 3,000 Pastors who otherwise may not have had such an opportunity for this kind of fellowship, encouragement and leadership training.

The rationale for this missions ministry is quite simple. It costs the American church $6,000 or more each month to keep a missionary in countries like India. And there's no question about it, the need is there. Recent population projections have indicated that in just 15 years, the population of India will pass the combined populations of all of the Industrialized Nations, i.e., the U.S., all of Europe (including Russia), Australia, Japan, and New Zealand. Right now, as the world's population crosses over the 6 billion mark, India's population will reach surpass 1 billion in population. And furthermore, only 7% have received the message of the Gospel.

Think of it this way: If 10,000 Pastors from America were to be sent by their churches to India, and if each of them could raise up churches which would win 2,000 to Christ each year, the church would only be keeping up with the population growth!

The task is overwhelming, and it appears that we have neither the resources nor the will to tackle it. So what can be done? The obvious answer is this: Instead of spending thousands of dollars to send one missionary, it is far better to encourage, develop and support those who are already doing the job. For too long, we American Christians have believed that our task is to go to other countries to bring them the Gospel. In India, and most other developing countries, there are dedicated, godly men and women already doing the job. And they are set to do as good a job, or even a better job than most American outsiders. They know the language, they know the culture. What they need is for their brothers to come along side to help them, encourage them, and provide a bit more Biblical training. We cannot do the job for them, but we must not abandon them either.

This is exactly what Dr. Chadwick has been called to do. He has served in the U.S. as a Pastor and Bible College teacher for over 30 years, and has ministerial training from three different Theology schools, earning advanced degrees from two. He is equipped, called, and motivated.

All that is needed is the development of financial resources. Every Pastors' Seminar taught by Dr. Chadwick brings together an average of 200 Pastors for two days and nights. The teaching sessions are held mornings and afternoons - in the evening there may be more teaching or an open Gospel meeting. Under the capable leadership of local leaders, accommodations are arranged for both food and lodging, as well as a site planned for the teaching sessions. Pastors pay only a very small registration fee, and they provide for their own transportation to the Seminar. While there they are totally provided for, and they receive a reimbursement for their one-way travel cost to get them back to their villages after the Seminar is over. What a wonderful "Ministry to the Ministers"! But as you can see, providing scholarships for this many people adds up. In a typical trip, Dr. Chadwick will conduct 5 such seminars, ministering to 1,000 Pastors.

The special offer for low long distance phone service is part of the strategy to provide the financial resources needed for this important ministry to Pastors in third world countries. Dr. Chadwick has made arrangements with Cognigen to provide a low cost long distance calling rate, with 6% of each subsriber's payment going to this Missions work. It's a win/win situation. Subscribers save money, and Pastors receive encouragement and support.

During a recent trip to India during October and November, 2001, Dr. Chadwick conducted seminars in New Delhi, Chennai, Bubaneswar, Hyderabad, and Visakaputnum. Dr. Chadwick currently serves as the Senior Pastor at Crossroads Church in Hamburg, NJ.


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November 17, 2001