{ June 9, '98 } Next >>

Sunlight on My Wall.

In a departure from my usual routine I proposed to myself and if you're reading this, decided, to write out my day, and flesh some reality to my web page.

The idea of writing a life story, day by day, out to whoever wants to read it started in me about a year ago when I met Justin Hall. I enjoyed getting to know him when he was learning Spanish at the now dissolved Eco-Escuela de Español. He was my roommate for a few days. We talked a lot about the web and about God.

At 5:30 my alarm clock pierced the silence of my room to no avail. After I punched the snooze button 3 or 4 times it finally forced me to rise. I suspect that my slightly pathetic way to start the day is not a rare occurrence around the world.

The sunlight was white on my wall this morning. I remember how strange and pure it glinted off the wall of the living room of my apartment. I crouched against the wall and looked into the light.

After a few moments of wonder my mind wandered elsewhere. I turned up a tape, Promise Keepers, and having already showered, I proceded to get dressed and begin morning prayer.

1 Timothy 1. A verse struck me as odd; verse 10. Slave traders were listed in Paul's set of ungodly people. Interesting. Also "faith and good conscience" are mentioned twice. Once when talking about what Paul wished of the false teachers, and again in what Paul told Timothy to hold on to. I asked God to help me do as Jesus would and was off.

Work, if I can call it that was uneventful; the morning flew by. I am got to meet a team of programmers with which I might soon be working with in Standard Fruit Company.

Lunchtime was also unusual today. The moment I got home, Mamá anxiously ordered me to call a friend of mine in San Pedro Sula (A city 3 hours from La Ceiba, my home, in Honduras). She thought he had found a job opportunity for me. I rushed through a good meal, and lost the peace of enjoying it, and barely made it in time to Standard Fruit again.

I missed lunch prayer (hey this could turn out to be a semi-secular prayer journal!) but compensated by rereading 1 Timothy 1 on the Bible Gateway

I have a cold (gripe). I chuckle to myself to have encountered by accident that the english verb to gripe and the Spanish gripe, pronounced gree-pay, which means cold, apply beautifuly to my situation as I type out this sentence.

Well, the work day is over, so I sign off.

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email me at aeortiz@iname.com.