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The Word

Secret incantations. Low humming of the word Om. Unceasing whispering. Endless repetition of prayers. In religion, art, and society, words, spoken or written, carry tremendous power. A word can spark more unquenchable fires than a match. The pen is mightier than the sword.

Words are the code we communicate in. My thoughts are encrypted, and you decipher them through my vocabulary. All you know about me comes from our skill, you as my interpreter, me as a translator. I translate the language of my brain into your language, English.

There is a special word that carries more power than the rest. This Word is the verb that was spoken into the cosmos, setting it into motion. Powerful and universal, the Word is busy today, sustaining every activity and time itself. This spoken Word sustains everything. It is closest to my heart, at the center of my life, the Word of God. Not only in the person of Jesus Christ, who is called the Word in John 1, but in the Bible; an encyclopedia of the message of the God of Israel to his people.

The Bible is devotional poetry, powerful prophecy, legislative code, testimonial literature, biography and philosophy. It is alive to the Christian. Why? Because God speaks the words of the Bible into human hearts today, through His Spirit. The message of that Word is written down in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek, but the essence of the Word is only in God himself.

Imagine someone writing a letter to a loved one. When that person reads the letter written for them, they could probably almost see the loved one in their mind, and hear the sender speak the words written in the letter; a deeper communication than just written words. Now imagine someone writing a letter to an enemy. This enemy could take every word said and twist its meaning, inflaming every phrase to their anger. Only if the sender of the letter could talk to their enemy personally, they might communicate better.

A person who has not chosen to become a Christian in the Biblical sense of the word, is an enemy of God. That person is God's enemy not because God is angry with them, but because that person's sins are a barrier between them and God. When the barrier is taken away, God can speak His Word into that person's heart. Only then will the Word become clear.

The Word of God, spoken into my heart by the Holy Spirit, is the force that guides my life. It brings me to my knees when I have done something evil. It lifts me to the skies when I meditate in God. The Word of God is power today.

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