Learning English is Fun

It is that time of the year again.  Students have already started to 
register and we are looking at a full camp again this year.  So please 
register early.

For those of you who havn't heard of The Canadian Immersion Camping 
Experience(CICE)Summer Camp I’ll give you a quick run down on what we are 
doing.  We are different than most other camps in that we are a camp and 
not a school.  We do not sit students down to learn extensive ESL courses. 
We take the Immersion approach.  That is we have them living, playing and 
working with Canadian Students of the same age.  They are expected to speak
English NOT Chinese.   Students are awarded extra chores for speaking too 
much Chinese. The only academic writing they are expected to do is the 
writing of a diary. We test their level and they write a daily diary of 
what they have learned. There is a teacher there to help them and the 
number of words and complexity depends on their ability. 

Checkout our Summer or 1999 Program


We offer classes during the day in which we teach in English (Will provide Chinese Translation if needed for safety purposes) These classes however are more active and interesting than your normal classes. We are offering 12 classes this year. The students will choose 6 but be enrolled in 4 of them.(Class sizes are limited to 12 and we need at least 6 students to open another class) Classes offered are Canoeing, Arts and Crafts, Sports Class, Swimming, Horseback Riding, Golf, Water sports, Cooking, Nature Science, Drama, Fishing, and Photography.


All the evening activities are integrated with Canadian Students. Students are often paired up or must work as a team (Cabin against Cabin) to reach their goal. Therefore cooperation is important if you wish to succeed and this means communicating. The Taiwanese and Canadian students have developed very good friendships and many are still in contact today. Some of the Evening Activities that have proved popular in the past are Three legged soccer, Scavenger hunts, Stealing Flags, nature tours, etc.


The Camp is actually a Catholic Camp, Camp O’Niel, and it has been operating for more than 30 years. It is situated next to Round Lake in the Qu’Appelle Valley about an hour and a half drive East of Regina, Saskatchewan. It is fully equipped with a mess hall, recreation hall, swimming pool, cabins, showers, sandy beach, baseball diamonds, Archery and Canoeing equipment, etc.


This is one of our greatest concerns as well as any responsible parents’. First we have fully qualified instructors who have several years experience teaching children. There are rules to follow while at camp to ensure a safe, fun experience. We have a registered nurse who lives next to the camp and is on call 24 hours. We are a 20 minute drive from two fully equipped hospitals and each students given insurance as part of the package. Don and Judy Espeseth, the coordinators in Canada, are parents themselves and understand the importance of Safety. So in addition we allow the students to phone home when ever they want free of charge.


CICE Camp includes 4 classes, Tours of Rural areas and two Canadian Cities and Evening Activities. CICE charges one price and everything is included except for the Student’s passport. So it includes, Visas, Airplane tickets, all transportation costs, Entrance fees, meals, accommodations, and insurance. The students are allowed to bring some spending money for souvenirs and treats re recommend about NT$2,000. At CICE our motto is learning English can be fun. We do the little extras to prepare our students for the camp and to make it a memorable experience that they can keep for the rest of their lives. How? We provide a vocabulary booklet before they go and give classes to go over this vocabulary. Each students is given a 2 hour video tape of their trip to share with their parents, friends and neighbors. We feel we are the best option and our return rate and satisfied customers back this up. · If your interested contact Trent Widdup 886-7-395-4204 or 886-7-387-4158. BBC: 060855494

© 1997 thw66@ms6.hinet.net
· In Canada: Don Espeseth (306) 745-6477

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