Menchaca Elementary Third Grade News

and Parent Information

Newsletter for May

Dear Parents,

The first day of school seems hardly a week ago, and yet here we are at the end of another school year. As we find ourselves looking back on the months, we teachers stop and consider what a wonderful group of third graders we've worked with. They are a marvelous bunch of talented, smart and kind students! We also can't help but be grateful for all the support, effort and time given to our classrooms by parents. Your contribution to Menchaca and to your child's education was paramount to this year's success. Thank you so much.

The last day of school is May 22 this year. Students will receive their final report cards that day. Students who have lost or have not returned library books will have their report cards held until accounts are settled. Please encourage your student to find and return any books he/she may have checked out. Students will also need to return registration forms (sent home Monday, May 4th) as soon as possible. If your child will not attend Menchaca next year, please send registration forms and a note verifying the move to your child's teacher.

Some students who regularly buy lunch cards have excess money left in the cafeteria. Your child's teacher has a list of students and the amount of money left on their cards if you need this information.

As you make your summer plans this month, please include time for students to practice their multiplication facts and to read books of their choice. A summer journal is also encouraged by 4th grade teachers.

Please have a save and enjoyable summer!

Important Dates:

May 4 UIL Awards 7:35 a.m.

May 11 Oregon Trail Chuckwagon Lunch (Staton, Warnken, Lee, Boyd)

May 12 Oregon Trail Chuckwagon Lunch (Solomon, Eloe, Merritt)

May 21 Fifth Grade Talent Show 1:30-2:30

May 22 Third Grade Pizza Party during lunch

May 22 Last Day of School


Third Grade Teachers


Ms. Solomon's Daily Schedule

7:35-7:45 Morning Assembly in the cafeteria

7:45-8:00 Warm-Ups Math or Problem Solving

8:00-8:45 Social Studies/Science/Health

8:45-10:25 Language Arts/Technology Integration Block

10:25-11:04 Special Areas

11:05-11:34 Language Arts continued 

11:34-12:04 Lunch

12:04-12:20 Administrative Break: assignment sheets, papers, notices, bathrooms etc.

12:20-12:45 Story Time

12:45-1:45 Mathematics

1:45-2:05 Outside Activities

2:05-2:35 Drop Everything and Read, Tutorials

2:35-2:45 Reflect/Restore Environment

2:45- Dismiss

Classroom Activities for the week of May 11-15

Language Arts

We continue a unit on Charlotte's Web this week. We will be writing in response to our reading, and writing spider poetry. Our spelling rule is (wr) (kn) sounds and science vocabulary.


We continue our unit on Electricity and Magnets this week.


We continue our unit on Logic this week. Students will be creating their own set of attribute cards. They will be using and, or and but to classify their cards. Students will play games with the cards and make up their own games. We will be reviewing multiplication facts for the rest of the year, and we will resume multiplication minute drills.

Homework Assignments*

Spelling: Click here for this week's Spelling Contract The spelling contract is sent home on Mondays.

Social Studies/Science/Health: Parents, please sign and return study guides promptly so students can receive bonus points.

Math: Tuesdays: The assignment enriches the current unit or remediates basic skills.

Reading: Students should read 20 minutes every evening.

Writing: Wednesdays: Usually a creative thinking activity to write and draw about.


*This is the regular homework schedule. Please check student assignment sheets for specific assignments, or special schedules.


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