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The Central Youth Fellowship was formed in 1966 in Kudat, and the first committee of the Central Youth Fellowship was elected.

Structure of Youth Fellowship

Youth  Logo

Youth LogoRepresentation of the Logo:

  1. The Centre Cross: to glorify the Crucified lord, with Christ as the centre.
  2. The shining light around the Cross: The power of Christ shinning over the world, the gospel proclaimed to every corner of world from North East South West.
  3. English wording: Basel Youth Fellowship with a lighted lamp on top of its frame denotes that the youth is self-fulfilling and is shining.
  4. Chinese wordings: "Christian Church", "BCCM", and "Youth Fellowship" - these wordings in its respective frame are binded together which denotes that the church fellowship groups are binding and related to each other.
  5. Colour:
    RED denotes Christ's blood washes all sins and filth; the youth's burning heart and passion.
    BLUE denotes God's grace is abundant, long, wide, high and deep as the blue sky.
    WHITE denotes holiness and spotlessness.
  6. 7 small crosses: emphasis is on the number of crosses; the number 7 in the Holy Bible signifies "wholeness"