The Number 5

The number 5 vibrates to the planet Mercury. It represents communication, movement, and versatility. It is the number of the intellect and both written and oral expression.

You are influenced by the number 5 if born on the 5th, 14th or the 23rd of any month.

The Meaning of the Number 5

5 people possess a great deal of natural charm, and as a general rule, are innately courteous. They are quick to spot mistakes and flaws, and will not hesitate to point them out. The 5 vibration is super critical and incapable of ignoring mistakes, and is associated with a love of movement and travel. Change is a never-ending necessity for 5 people. They have a tendency to over analyze people and situations. It is difficult for the 5 person to submit to the feelings and the intuition; the intellect is determined to find logical answers to everything! This over analytical nature can ruin relationships of all kinds for the 5 person.

Still, people enjoy being in the company of a 5 person, since the outward persona is usually pleasant and soothing. Because 5 is the vibration of the intellect, those under its influence are very bright, highly intelligent and mentally alert. Nothing escapes their notice, analization and possibly their criticism.

According to the ancients, the number 5 has long been associated with what is called "earth magic" (hence, the Wiccan symbol of the pentagram). The number 5 brings a longing to believe in magic, elves, fearies, and the mysteries of Nature, along with the need to pin everything down and view it with a mental microscope. This is in direct conflict with the other major quality of the 5, making it difficult for the 5 person to understand themselves. As a result 5 people are often high strung; they live their lives on nerves and crave excitement. They’re quick in thought and decision, often impulsive in their actions. They have a keen sense of new ideas and inventions, are willing to take risks, and are born speculators. 5 people posses an admirable elasticity of viewpoint, and the ability to rebound swiftly from the blows of fate, which seem to leave no lasting impression on them. 5 people are well suited to writing, advertising, public relations and publishing.