The Number 8

The number 8 vibrates to the planet Saturn. It represents wisdom, learning through experience, stability, patience, and responsibility. 8 is also the number of financial security, caution, restriction, self discipline, and self control.

You are influenced by the number 8 if born on the 8th, 17th, or 26th day of any month.

The Meaning of the 8 Vibration

8 people are normally quiet, reserved, and shy. They don’t obviously push ahead, but slowly and surely will get there. This shyness and reticence is a cover for an intense drive to get to the top of their chosen profession. They make excellent teachers and counselors, most of them could be successful in the tough game of politics, as they excel at anything that requires patience and intelligent deduction. The 8 person may have poor health as a child, but tend to grow more robust when they reach maturity, and longevity is common. It is rare to find an 8 person goofing off, they have a sense of duty and responsibility that won’t allow them to take a careless attitude toward what is expected of them. Most people born under the number 8 are as reliable as a grandfather clock, and as cozy as a grandma quilt to be around. They have a rich sense of humor, but it is subtle, so one must watch for it. Most 8 people have very deep and intense natures and great inner strength. There is a tendency toward fanaticism in religion, and they will stick by what they believe, against all opposition. They make loving friends, but bitter enemies. Although 8 people appear to be cold they can be shyly affectionate and warmly devoted. They are often lonely and need desperately to be loved, and are capable of great sacrifice for an ideal, ambition, or for those who depend on them. 8 people are as demanding of themselves as they are of others, but for all the outward attitude of wisdom, maturity and self control the 8 person’s heart is lonely and longing. They need to learn that pursuit of happiness is not a sin.

Be sure to read about the special relationship between the Numbers 4 and 8.