I was born in Holland a long time ago. Amongst my teachers
I was lucky enough to have Gerrit Thomas Rietveld from the Dutch De Stijl
group; later I studied in Ulm at the Hochschule fuer Gestaltung with Tomas
Maldonado, Walter Zeischegg and Max Bill.
I started as a designer at Olivetti in Italy as an assistant of Ettore
Sottsass; later I opened my own studio in Milan where my wife Hiroko Takeda
joined me later. We created many products in
different sectors, such as household applyances, furniture, machine tools
and electronic equipment.
From the very start I am also interested in the theoretical
aspects of design, such as design language, morphology and semiotics,
and I spend much time as a teacher, to write
articles and even a book (in Italian).
This is also the reason for this site.
By the way, I consider the Internet as a democratic institution and
invite anybody to freely copy from my documents, eventually naming this
site. It actually has two addresses: