Pete Azzole's On-line Library


Military Fiction
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"Writing is nearly as satisfying as eating chocolate and is equally addictive."   P.J.A.

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Updated NEWS/REVIEWS section with review and sales rank info.
Palm Beach Post feature article was published on HELL TO PAY -- see new page NEWS/REVIEWS.


Thanks to a gracious endowment from a benefactor, we have been able to expand the library, furnish it with oriental carpeting and stuffed reclining chairs and staff it for availability 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Additionally, butlers are available to attend to your needs. A bar and snack menu is provided in the leather folder on the side table at each recliner. Please enjoy your time here in the library.

  ...visitors since 10/1/99

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This page last updated: June 26, 2000