The Computer Links Page

Is your bookshelf developing a certain "black on yellow" color combination? Tired of forking over $20.00 or more at your local bookstore for a text that really doesn't teach you what you want to know? The WEB has many good places where you can learn about computers, programming, WEB design and, of course, nearly anything your little mischievous heart desires. (For that stuff, you'll have to look elsewhere.) I've used this page as a gateway to what I think are the better WEB sites to help you learn about the following topics:

WEB Related Links

C++ Sites

Visual Basic

WEB Site Evaluation

This is a project I'm currently working on, so it isn't active, but it will give you an idea of what I think is invovled in evaluating a WEB Site.

TU 4022 Telecommunications, Distance Learning, and Collaborative Interchange Teachers College Columbia University
This is a course offered by Professor Robert Taylor and Dr. Thane Terrill. While you may not have had the advantage of taking it, the WEB site seves as both a resource for students and an example of how useful the WEB can be as an instructional aid in any course.

Internet Course

If you are currently taking a course about the Internet with me, here are materials and links that will be especially helpful to you.


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