Who am I? I still ask myself this, I don't know if I will ever really have an answer to that... so I guess you can consider me a modern day Christian, with deepening spiritual beliefs. I used to take the Bible literally, but in the last 15 years that has changed. More than I ever thought possible. Even so, there are things I will always follow - and will always have in my life. And the most important aspect would be my devotion to Mary.

She is the Goddess in my life and always will be. All my life I have talked and prayed to this most beautiful woman. She, in my eyes, carried the world on her shoulders. She has endured great joy and great pain.

Mary is my hope, my dreams, where I look to find love, and most of all she is my sanctuary. Through her I have learned to find tolerance in others. And in one such instance this became very helpful, because I needed to look deep in my heart for her guidance.

Three years ago, my Imzadi 'The Wolfpup' told me he was getting into Paganism and Wicca. For many years I had looked upon these things as evil. Why? Because I didn't understand. It had taken some really deep soul searching on my part to learn to deal with this change in our life.

Much has changed...thankfully... We both share our different beliefs with understanding and love. We both have our special altars in full view of our children. They don't make any comments as to our different beliefs, except to say whatever makes you happy.

My children are being raised Christian, and when they reach adulthood they can choose different paths if that is what they want. And they will have our full support.

For me, now I still continue to grow. I'm still learning and searching. I'm learning to try and forgive myself of the mistakes I've made in life. With the love of Mary I continue. Learning how to deepen my spirituality. This is the most important thing I strive for.

Blessings always ......
