Hello, I'm The Wolfpup. Some also know me as Midnight Grey Wolfpup. I
inherited a wonderful little newsletter about a year ago called Cauldrons and Broomsticks. With the help of an award winning staff, we publish a wonderful Ezine for the Pagan and Wiccan community. Over 7,000 solitary Wiccans and Pagans all over the world look to our publication for the meaning behind the holidays, ideas and crafts for the holidays, rituals, humor, and just to know they aren't alone in their beliefs. As the publisher and editor, I'm mostly looked to as a Wiccan Elder in the community. But as we've found in most of the online world, and especially in the world of magic, things aren't always as they appear.
I don't consider myself a Pagan nor a Wiccan. Oh, that's where I started
years ago ... but in the last three years that I have been *living* my
beliefs I've found I needed a more ritualistic path. More structured. I
turned to the Golden Dawn. Yep, I'm a Wizard and a Ceremonial Magician, not
a Witch. With my staff behind me at Cauldrons and Broomsticks, and real
life rituals with my group in the Fellowship of Isis, I stay firmly grounded
in the Wiccan community. But when I do my daily rituals at 5am, it's the
Lesser Banishing Ritual of The Pentagram, Banishing Ritual of The Hexagram,
Middle Pillar Ritual, and Enocian magic that I use. Usually Wizards and
Wiccans don't always get along, and it's mostly due to the Wizards, but
thanks to my family at RunningWaters I don't stand a chance of that. The
Fellowship of Isis also shows me that ritualistic High Magic, Enocian magic
and the study of the Kabalah isn't necessarily the only path to perfection.
Just one of many, and one that works for me.
Yes, the path of the Wizard works very well for me at this time, and the
endless study keeps me very occupied ... but the real magic begins in my
home. Yes, things there aren't always as they appear there either. :-)
I have been married to the most beautiful woman in the world for 19 years
this year, and have three strong and loving sons. My wife Debbie considers
her path a Spiritual Christian, and my sons are also being raised in the
Christian faith. We have our own United Nations Federation on religious
understanding here in our own home. :-) Complete with crosses, pentagrams,
angels, Enocian scripts, rituals, Communions and Confirmations. We live in
"perfect love and perfect trust", and acceptance of each others paths and
faith. We don't always understand, and the agreement on beliefs aren't
always there, but we're living proof that different faiths *can* respect
each other, and each others beliefs in "perfect love and perfect trust".
All it takes is an open mind, a will to live and let live, and an
overwhelming need to walk this life side by side. Love can sometimes
conquer all.
Well, these are my deepest thoughts. Most have never been shared with
anyone .... but this is me and this is my life. I am so proud of my family
here at home, and my family in RunningWaters. They have accepted me and
loved me. Even during the times I have a hard time accepting and loving
myself. No matter the path that I follow, I can't picture myself traveling
that path without any of them.
Blessings, warmth and love .....
The Wolfpup