Frank Peretti

This is the Frank Peretti. I only found a little information about his life, but I hope it will be enough for now.

Frank Peretti has always written and told stories since he was young. He used to gather the neighborhood children and tell them tales from his back porch. Peretti's father was an assembly-line worker at Boeing, and his mother was a homemaker. He was one of four children. After he graduated from high school, he began to play banjo with a local bluegrass group. In 1972 he married his wife, Barbara Jean. Frank Peretti went to UCLA for a while, he studied English, screen writing, and film. He found it hard to find a job after college, so he helped his father pastor a small church, but in 1983 he gave up pastoring. Peretti had to take different construction jobs so he could make some money, which wasn't much.

While working at a local ski factory Peretti began working on one of his greatest books. Then in 1986, after fourteen rejections by other publishing companies, Crossway Books published This Present Darkness. At first the book was slow to sale, but after word got around, sales grew tremendously. Christian singer, Amy Grant, had recommended the book to friends and her fans. Pastors even spoke about the book during sermons. Peretti had written a book that would change the way we look at faith and prayer. In 1988, This Present Darkness appeared on Bookstore's Journal list of best-selling paperbacks of July. Peretti did it again by publishing a sequel, Piercing the Darkness, in 1989. Once again his books made it to the best-selling lists. In 1990, hardcover editions appeared, because of the demand for them. Frank Peretti's third major novel, Prophet, was published in 1992. It also hit best-selling charts. Then in 1995, he published The Oath. Throughout the eighties and nineties, he published a children's series. It is called the Cooper Kids Adventure Series. The latest one was published in 1997, there are eight in the series. He also published another young adult book in July of 1988, it was entitled Tilly.

Today Frank Peretti lives out west with his wife. He is in his late forties and enjoys fishing, bluegrass music, hiking, and bicycling. He and his books are still changing lives and renewing lost faith.

You can learn more about Frank Peretti and his life story by reading Peretti's autobiography, The Wounded Sprirt.

One note, I've been receiving assorted e-mails for Peretti's address or e-mail address. Sorry, but I do not have it. This is an unofficial site, and I've never even spoken to Mr. Peretti. The only thing I can suggest is to write to his publisher and ask them to deliver the letter for you. Hope that helps!

Peretti's Novels

Cooper Kids

Peretti's Autobiography

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