Beth's Life Story

Or as much as she wants to tell you...

A picture of me for those of you who wanted to see one!

Remember to vote for me as President in 2012!

Let's get the basics down first. My name, obviously enough is Beth. No, it is not Elizabeth or Bethany or any of those other names. Now you don't have to ask.

I'm 25 years old. My birthday is September 5th. I'm not still in high school. I'm not my Aunt Althea, nor am I her daughter. (Yup, I get asked all those questions.) Currently, I reside in Wayzata, Minnesota.

My hobbies are diverse. I'd say I'm eccentric, but you have to be rich to be eccentric, so I'm just weird. I enjoy both reading and writing, mostly fiction, but non-fiction can be neat. I enjoy learning about people. I love a good debate on any topic from current events to whether or not there should be a comma after the year to whether tomatoes are fruits or vegetables to how what's the worst day of the week. I like to: draw (pencil), do crossword puzzles and solve cryptic puzzles, bake chocolate chip cookies, camp, canoe, swim, whine, sing (although I've got a tin ear, so it's probably best if I DON'T), dream/daydream, be very sarcastic (no. Beth, sarcastic? You must be kidding!), dress up, dress down, take walks, travel in general, take road trips, go to amusement parks, make people happy, tease people, take personality tests, learn new things, take pictures and put them in photo albums, and the list goes on...and on...and on. You could sum it up with one statement: Weird Nerd. I do not like putting picture puzzles together (they take too long!), but I love trig and calculus because they're like solving puzzles. Go figure. I hate tea, too. That should be noted. Don't like coffee, either.

Things that I like include penguins, elephants, cows, puns, comics, Dave Barry, ABBA, 80's music, VANILLA, candles, America and all that goes with it--flags and patriotic songs and all that, snowmen, teddy bears, and that's all I can think of off-hand.

I'm scared of snakes, the dark, spiders, heights, enclosed spaces for long periods of time, crowds of people, talking, people in general, fire, guns, the Chairman of the Board of our company, driving in the mountains, being alone, downhill skiing, three-wheelers and snowmobiles moving fast, getting lost (I've a horrible sense to direction!), and probably anything else you can think of. I am not, however, scared of clowns. I love clowns.

Actually, to make it easier on you, I've put myself into a nutshell, figuratively. See here.

I grew up in Buffalo, Minnesota, USA. I graduated (with honors, thank you) from the old Buffalo Senior High School (which is now the Buffalo Communnity Middle School) on 10 June 1994. (Thanks, Daddy, for telling me the day. I hope I got it right!)

My graduation ceremony from the University of Minnesota, Morris, was on 12 June 1998, although I officially finished 19 March 1998. It rained. It was an outdoor ceremony. However, the sun was shining for a brief moment when I happened to receive my diploma. How cool was THAT? I have a Bachelor of Arts degree in English with a minor in mathematics. I graduated "with distinction" though I shan't say if that is good or bad! *grin* I spent two and two thirds years in Morris (To quote my history teacher, Dennis Templeman, who gave me my lowest college grade:"What this town lacks is a town.") and spent one year studying in Birmingham, England, through the University of Minnesota, Duluth. I also took one summer class at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, to complete a whirlwind education.

Currently I am employed at...HealthCare Compensation Strategies, a division of Clark/Bardes, formerly known as Management Compensation Group/HealthCare. Try answering your phone with THAT. Fortunately, the name change was two years ago, so we don't have to do that any more. Not that I ever said that. Like anyone calls me. I work in the Word Processing Department as the Word Processing Administrator. I'm a general all-around person in the department, helping out with Word Processing duties, training in new victims--I mean, employees--and eventually I'll be programming macros and templates for the general HCS populace to use. Actually, the company just changed its name again. It's something like Compensation That's not it. I think the abbreviation is CBC-HCG. Clark/Bardes Consulting-HealthCare Compensation Group. I think

And for those of you who haven't figured it out, the president bit is just a joke. I don't want to run for presdient. I just don't get into the insults and lying to the public and such. And I'm not that interested in politics. But I suppose if I would get elected as president, I would enjoy it to some extent, so if you want to vote for me, go ahead. I promise not to make any election promises, except invade Canada.

('s a link to thethe real campaign page...)

Actually, in an e-mail conversation with my friend, Christie, I came up with this:
So, I saw this headline the other day: "Governor Ventura promises honesty" or something very similar to that. Some day I want to see a headline "Lt Governor says (s)he'll lie if necessary" If I get elected president, I think that's what I'll say, "So many politicians promise to tell the truth and keep the people informed. And they all end up lying and telling half truths. I don't want to do that. I'm telling you right now I'm going to lie and tell you only what I want you to hear."
Can we say "impeached at the inaugural ball"?

Anyone who wants to know about my family, I have a Daddy and a Mommy--Allen and Elaine Miller, two brothers--Hank (Duh, why else would I be Hank's sister?? Check out his web page... he's 26) and Jacob (he's 21--his page is down, which is too bad since it was fun), and one sister--Becky (she's 15). Since I moved out of my parent's house, I no longer have any pets, but I still will claim our two cats: Bootsie and Snowball. Good enough?

Take care!

Eight people looking chilly.

Okay, here's more recent picture of me...happy? The names, from left to right, of course, are: Me (so that's what I looked like in 1996!), Louise Baxendale, Norman Long, Thomas Baxendale, Stephen Butterworth, Raymond Long, Eric Long, and Caleb Martyn. This was taken in Preston, Lancashire, England, at the Baxendale residence on April 8, 1996. We had just returned from Blackpool where we rode the tallest rollercoaster in the world! Great fun! (Much thanks to the photographer, Andrew Butterworth, and Steve for sending it!) It's always that cloudy there... *grin*

YAY! I got this picture back! I realize the picture is now slightly out of date, but I think it's quite close enough, thank you.

Okay, I found out what I wanted to know. Let me go back to that other page. Homeward bound..I wish I was...

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Didn't want you to miss that...might adversely affect your life.

Come to think of it, the UofM doesn't care anymore. But I'm going to leave their warning there, just because it was stupid to begin with, and now it's even dumber!