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Listen | by Avery Johnson |
Brothers, sisters you better listen to me.
Learn to read.
Get your education.
Do the best that you can do.
Did you hear me, I said listen.
Take the smile off your face.
Life not playing tag with your friends.
You’re not playing.
You’re playing tag with your life.
Three tags, you’re out.
Listen to me.
Get into a good high school and a good college.
Leave the grown up stuff like sex and other things to the adults.
You might think that you’re, but you’re not.
You might be tall, but you’re still not grown.
You’re just a little child thinking that you’re grown.
Are you listening to me?
You’d better be.
You might look good and you might be cute,
But don’t let your looks get over on you.
Your looks aren’t going to get you anywhere.
What’s going to get you some place is your mind and how you use it.
These employers "now-a-days" aren’t looking for just anybody.
They’re looking for a person who can read, write.
Are you fully educated
What is that?
Then you’re ready for the big world.
Are you listening?
Don’t let anyone discourage you.
Brother, sister, listen.
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