Our Hearts Desire

Pat Clemens and Jane Kidder-Clemens

rose blooming

Pat and I met on a computer date in July of 1979. We were engaged by September and married the following year in July. Some thought we were rushing it, others thought it wouldn't last.

You could say it was love at first sight but we think of it as a knowing that we were meant to learn and grow with each other. One of the things we insisted on in our wedding vows was for it to say; I love you for who you are, and for whom you will become. We liked the idea of leaving room to allow each other to grow.

We have walked many roads in this life time. Some separate some together. We have overcome the lack of self love, abuse, addiction, cancer and Heart problems.
When you study the moments in your life we found it is what makes us all of us unique and special. We invite you to linger and visit some of the links which will tell our stories and other area's that we find interesting.
Always follow your hearts desire it will not lead you wrong.

Janie Kidder-Clemens Story over coming abuse,low self worth,and cancer. Simply things you can do to help yourself balance and heal Ovarian Cancer and Me and lamylu
Reiki and Me Pat Clemens Story Poems Janie has written
Janie's Mom Margie B. Hudson 1-3-20/2-4-97 I miss you so much ;( Janie and Julie Kidder Twins Forever

Janie's Sisters and Brother links,awards and interesting sites
The Lords Prayer in Aramaic Pat's great great grandfather A sad story of a strong man of 40 who volunteer for the civil war,lost part of his sight in the civil war. Upon discharge he slowly went blind and died later.

Julie Kidder-Klindworths Art page orignial paintings

In Loving Memory of
My Brother Earnest Cliff Kidder

our email address
e-mail us

If you see any of your art work let me know.
