Let's argue.


Let's argue about it.

$500 challenge!

You get $500 if you can prove that the trade deficit is a bad thing.

Are labor unions beneficial to society, or parasitic?

Here are some pages/topics of interest:

Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, move over! Here is the "Best Political Platform" for the U.S.


Neolib.net What is a "neoliberal"? Have you heard this term being thrown around? What is neoliberalism? Is this a political philosophy someone is promoting?

Night Owl Mk. II Philosophy of Life Good arguments, "Agree with me or show me where I'm wrong"

Minimum Wage Law Who is made better off by a minimum wage law? If such a law is good for society, why not increase the minimum wage to $30 or $40 or $50 per hour?


Labor Theory of Value Does anyone really defend the labor theory of value anymore? Where are you Marxists? Come and defend this theory or admit that Marxism makes no sense. Have you all jumped ship?


That's a Lie! A listing of lies popularly told and accepted in society. Know any good lies? Add your own example(s) to the list.

OK2Kill When is killing right and when is it wrong? Capital punishment, euthanasia, etc.


ForbiddenIdeas.com like those just above. Do you know of any good "forbidden ideas"? ideas that make some people (the mindless idiot types) want to call you a commie or nazi or worse, just for mentioning them? Have some fun -- get called something evil by adding your own "forbidden idea" to the list. You haven't lived life to the fullest until you've been called a dirty name by some idiot.

WhyTheyHateUs.net The "war on terror" // Militant Islam vs. the West


Extensive list of minor political parties (You might have to scroll down a little to get past the 2 major parties.)

Shorter list of alternative political parties (some of the more serious ones):

The Third Party

The Revolution

Constitutionalist Party

Multicapitalist Party

Do you know of a good website that should be listed with the above? The best kind are those that are controversial and give some invitation to visitors to get their own opinions posted in response.

click here to give your suggestion. Also, if you have your own web page, we might trade links.

Let's argue about it.

Let's argue about it.

If you want to disagree with something in the webpage you just came from, go to one of the blogs listed below to give your argument. Look for the word "Comment" or "Comments". It might say "0 comments" or "1 comment" or "2 comments" etc. Click on that to post your statement. Choose whichever of the following blogs is most appropriate in which to post your argument:

Direct Democracy Is direct democracy possible? Is it desirable? What is "direct democracy"?

Debate Room (www.DebateRoom.net) Debate any topic of your choice. Issue a debate challenge on any topic.

No President (www.NoPresident.net) Theories about the institution of the Presidency. Do we really need a President? Why? Why does a country need such a high-level authority figure with so much power, whose only talent is to give good speeches or to move an audience to vote for him? Could we change to a system in which there would be no such figure as the President?

Political Platform What would be a good political platform? Do you disagree with anything in the "Best Political Platform" at www.PoliticalPlatform.net? What would be a better political platform?

Free Trade (geocities blog)
or Free Trade (google blog)
Economics. Arguments for and against free trade, and other economic arguments.

The Right To Secede There should be a universal recognition of the right to secede.

Contact me:

e-mail: Polemix@aol.com, Freetrader@aol.com, LDGarland@aol.com. (If one mailbox is full, try another.)

IMPORTANT: Due to the excess of spam e-mails, you must do the following in order to distinguish your e-mail from the spam.
You must INCLUDE A CODE prefix at the beginning of the "subject" of the e-mail. The prefix is QQQ. Put 3 Q's at the beginning of your subject. Only in this way can I identify that your e-mail is legitimate and is not just another spam. Any e-mail without the QQQ subject prefix will be passed by and not opened.

Or if the above doesn't work, contact me at

Sloopr@gmail.com where there's no spam problem to worry about.

or snail me: L. D. Garland, P.O. Box 127601, San Diego, CA 92112

I'll post your argument in one of my pages, or if you have a lengthy argument, post it in your own website and I'll put a link to it in my page along with a short summary.

I might take a long time to respond, as I don't go on line everyday. After a couple weeks or so, contact me again. I want to hear from anyone who disagrees with any points I make in any of my web pages. All contrary views are welcome. Yours will be posted in one of my web pages and I will respond to it eventually.

You can post it immediately in any of the above blogs.

It's good to argue!


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