Is the "Best Political Platform" really the best? Or is there a better one?
If you know of a political platform which is better, in your opinion, click here and it will be posted here. (Or, if it is too long, give a website where it is already posted and the link to it will be added here.)
The purpose of this site is to provide a listing of alternative political platforms. To qualify as an "alternative" political platform, it must be one which does not already exist among the various political parties appearing on the ballot. It should be a platform which does not fit neatly into the popular Left-Right spectrum or in the spectrum of Less Government vs. More Government.
The platform must be mainly a straightforward statement of positions on issues with a limited amount of commentary or philosophy or argumentation. For the arguments and philosophical dissertations, additional links may be included. But the platform itself should be mostly a listing of the issue positions with little argumentation other than a brief statement of the principles.
Good Message Boards (They're getting better!)
The improved message boards now let you move from one post to another on the same topic without needing to click to another page. You can just scroll down through multiple messages which address the topic and argue with each other. These are a great debate forum for people who like to argue. Arguing is good.
Libertarian-oriented. Proposals for freedom-lovers to all move to one
state and try to "take it over." Philosophical arguments about how to pull
this off and what should happen in the "free state" after they "take it over."
Another minor political party. Maybe the best. Has a "Convention Floor"
(message board)
which lets participants shape the party's policies/platform proposals. Not
necessarily conservative or liberal or moderate or ----. Just seeking the
best positions on all the issues.
Perhaps a little flaky, this one. Kumbayah, sweetness and light,
butterfly wings, etc. But open to all
viewpoints. Proposes a new economic system without taxes or "usury". But
you can disagree and offer your own theories.
Mostly libertarian. Lots of topics.
More sites will be added to this list. This listing will be limited to high-quality message board sites only which allow easy access and are open to all viewpoints on the announced topics.
Night Owl Mk. II Philosophy of Life Good arguments, "Agree with me or show me where I'm wrong" A listing of lies popularly told and accepted in society. Know any good lies? Add your own example(s) to the list.
The Minimum Wage pros and cons The "war on terror" // Militant Islam vs. the West (another debate website). When is killing right and when is it wrong? Capital punishment, euthanasia, etc.
Extensive list of third parties
Labor Theory of Value Does anyone really defend the labor theory of value anymore? Where are you Marxists? Come and defend this theory or admit that Marxism makes no sense. Have you all jumped ship?
Some alternative political parties worth considering: