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Blow the trumpet - send up the Fireworks!!! Here comes the Dragon. The star of the show (at least that's what he thinks!) The Dragon is the world's great show-off - and why not? He deserves centre stage. He possesses the best of everything - and the worst of everything. Egoist, despot, dynamic, enthusiastic, with an extraordinary self-belief and will-power, the Dragon has this obsessive desire for perfection, and his inability to understand anyone who cannot match up to his standards often leads to serious problems.

A loyal friend, he'll stick to you through thick and thin - never expecting any rewards - but don't criticise or wound his pride - you'll have an enemy for life. Never involve a Dragon in a routine boring job, never chain him down in a frustrating situation, he'll become morose, mad or murderous, he must have his freedom to roam around and roar.

Dragons at the best of times make difficult partners, Tigers might control them, Roosters could try, but Dogs and Buffaloes are to be avoided - much too critical, and as for two Dragons getting together, well it might mean the end of our world as we know it!

Some famous Dragons: Joan of Arc, Abraham Lincoln and Freud...

The Years of the Dragon:

17 February 1904 to 04 February 1905

04 February 1916 to 23 January 1917

23 January 1928 to 10 February 1929

08 February 1940 to 27 January 1941

27 January 1952 to 14 February 1953

14 February 1964 to 02 February 1965

31 January 1976 to 17 February 1977

17 February 1988 to 05 February 1989

Copyright © 1996 Seren. All rights reserved.

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1998 karen bourner. All rights reserved
Last modified:March 07, 2000

 The Crystal Star