* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MoonstoneList of correspondences:
Powers: Love, protection, Divination, Psychism, Sleep, Dieting Moonstone, in my opinion (which may have something to do with the fact that I am Cancerian, with Libra rising!) is a truly beautiful stone. It is an opalescent feldspar, most often seen in a milky white colour, but can be found in blue and pink. Also known as the 'Traveler's Stone', it can be charged with protective energies and carried whilst traveling - it's thought to be especially useful for when traveling over water. When placed under the pillow or worn to bed, it said to aid restful sleep. Moonstone is also linked to psychism, intuition and divination. They are often kept with Tarot cards, or Runes as they enhance the users ability to use their 'tools'. It is a very feminine stone. Linked with fertility and child bearing, it brings ease to period pains and related disorders. It's an emotional balancer, so may aid with PMT. Moonstone is most often associated with the moon and the lunar Goddesses, it can be usitlised in magickal rites performed during the phases of the moon. Some say that its power is greater during the waxing of the moon, but others prefer to use it during the waning moon - depending on the desired outcome of the spell. Generally, on the waxing or full moon use it for spells to attract and enhance, on the waning moon to help with spells to diminish, decrease or 'ward off'. In 'Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic' he suggests the following candle magick spell to attract love into your life: "On the night of the Full Moon and by its light, ring a pink candle with Moonstone cabachons. Light the candle and visualise yourself in a loving relationship." He also suggests a ritual to help you to lose weight - which is performed 3 days after the full moon - during the waning moon... I think I should give it a try! Kaz* Crystal Star Woman Copyright 1998 Karen bourner. All rights reserved. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Send mail to CrystalKaz@aol.com with questions or comments about
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