© 1985,1992 by Robert A. Bays, Sr.
In their original form these aphorisms "came to" the author in 1984 in the course of solitary early morning walks on a certain sub-tropical island. They reached their present form in 1992.
The term "human nature" in the title refers both to (1) conventional human nature, i.e. the way people act, and to (2) the ultimate nature of what it is to be human.
A valiant effort has been made to avoid ambiguous and controversial terms and terms peculiar to particular religions, philosophies or schools of thought.
Each aphorism has been designed to stand on its own and can be used individually for contemplation or meditation, if one desires.
The conciseness of the aphorisms is due not only to the author's own inclination, but also to a maxim of Antoine de St.-Exupéry, quoted by Wei Wu Wei:
"La perfection est atteinte, non quand il n'y a plus rien à ajouter, mais quand il n'y a plus rien à retrancher" (Perfection is attained, not when there is nothing more to be added, but when there is nothing more to be taken away).
I would like to acknowlege my
indebtedness to
the Awakened Ones of all times and places, especially
to Bhagavân
Srî Ramana Maharshi; and to my many
teachers, most especially the following (in
alphabetical order!), whose contribution to this
synthesis will be evident to those acquainted with
their work:
The phenomenal Universe is the appearance in
of a timeless dynamic Process
which is the manifest creative functioning
of "Ultimate Reality"
Each individual body / mind
is a point of activity within the universal
and each individual consciousness
is a point of awareness within the universal Mind
The essence of "Ultimate Reality" is unknown
and indeed unknowable
therefore it may as well be called the "X"
"SELF" AND "OTHER" 4 Human beings are distinguished from all other
beings 5 With the emergence of self-consciousness 6 The "other" is projected as object * THE EGO-PROCESS 7 By identifying itself with the body / mind 8 Through its powers of memory and anticipation 9 The process of identification *
ATTACHMENT AND AVERSION 10 There is a deep-seated intuition 11 The ego clings to any phenomenon 12 The ego rejects any phenomenon * THE NATURE OF SUFFERING 13 All human suffering is essentially
psychological 14 Practical hardships, difficulties and
challenges 15 Emotional demands take the form of either * THE BASIC ATTACHMENTS 16 Attachment to physical or emotional security 17 Attachment to pleasurable sensations 18 Attachment to power or status 19 Attachment to beliefs and opinions * THE NATURE OF SOCIETY 20 Human society is characterized by separation and
violence 21 Each self-assertive or self-defensive response * SELF-KNOWLEDGE 22 To eliminate psychological suffering 23 To know one's self one must 24 To know one's self one must * THE WITNESS-CONSCIOUSNESS 25 When the conditioning of the ego is fully
exposed 26 When the illusory nature of the ego is fully
exposed 27 Even consciously playing the role of the unjudging
Observer * THE AWAKENING 28 The Witness-Consciousness transcends the
fundamental fear 29 Even the Witness-Consciousness is transcended 30 Non-objective Awareness may be called the absolute
Self 31 Although the "X" cannot be known ***
by the power of conceptual thought
which is the source of all human achievement
but especially by the concept of "self"
which is the source of all human problems
there inevitably arises the primary dualism
of "self" versus "non-self" or "other"
and the "self" is presupposed as subject
the subject extends itself in "space"
thereby establishing itself as a separate
objective "entity"
the subject extends itself in "time"
thereby establishing itself as an
abiding "entity"
of the presupposed subject with the body / mind
projected as object in space and time
is the pseudo-self or "ego"
that the essential Reality is prior
to the psycho-physical entity
but the ego does not trust the intuition
and therefore does all it can to sustain itself
(object, event, person, feeling or concept)
that it perceives as supportive
protective or pleasurable
and labels it "good"
(object, event, person, feeling or concept)
that it perceives as non-supportive
threatening or painful
and labels it "bad"
stemming from the ego's fundamental fear
of what it perceives as "other"
become problems
only when there is emotional involvement
attachment to what has been labeled "good"
or conversely
aversion toward what has been labeled "bad"
is fear, worry and anxiety
for there is no abiding security in phenomena
is disappointment, frustration and boredom
for there is no abiding pleasure in phenomena
is anger, hate and jealousy
for abiding Power resides only in the "X"
is conflict, violence and war
for abiding Truth resides only in the "X"
more than by integration and peace
for it is little more than the sum
of the interactions of self-images
whose responses are largely
self-assertive or self-defensive
further conditions the ego to its manifold
attachments and aversions
one must first know one's "self"
without evaluation or judgment
be profoundly but effortlessly aware
of one's sensations, feelings, thoughts and
without evaluation or judgment
observe the onset of emotional reactions
and identify the attachment or aversion
which inevitably underlies
each emotional demand
emotional demands are transmuted into preferences
and when preferences fully replace demands
psychological suffering is minimized
even preferences give way to an unconditioned
in which Consciousness abides
as the impersonal Witness of the total
which it apperceives as but a movement within
can effect a spontaneous awakening of the
through the apperception that there is no "other"
and there are no "others"
thus eliminating psychological suffering
and engendering infinite Love and Compassion
toward those "others" who remain in bondage
to the illusion of separation
in the ultimate Awakening
in which all dualisms dissolve into the "X"
from Which all phenomena seem to emerge
but only as which they truly have their
the impersonal Witness may be called the relative
the personal ego may be called the pseudo-self
but in Reality there is no Self
and there are no selves
for there is only the "X"
as the object of awareness, perception or
it can be Realized
as changeless Being-without-attributes
infinite Consciousness-without-an-object
and the absolute, unmanifest Source of All
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For a treasure-trove of information about the "X" go to Nonduality.com
For a 180° turn and a bit of Serendipity go to Page One.
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