Brochure created by Posture AnalyzerThe PostureIt Analyzer Software is easy to use and effective. Diagnose your patients and show them a real picture of their posture on your computer monitor generated directly from our software. Our software will not only help to inform patients of their condition, it verifies and illustrates with visual proof to help them understand. The custom brochure created by The PostureIt Analyzer Software will not only help to educate patients of their condition, it offers help to improve it. Side 2 of brochure - Printed brochure folds to 2 sides. Front and Side Views provided to patient on siteThe PostureIt Analyzer Software features a Front and Side Viewer to allow prospective patients to easily view the screen during the diagnosis of their posture. This feature is a powerful tool in helping individuals to realize the importance of correct posture. Click Here to Order Now
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