Sama Veda

Knowledge of Devotion and God Realisation

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    Hymns of Sama Veda

Sama Veda has 1875 hymns . In Sanskrit a hymn is called mantra meaning counsel, advice. The vedic hymns invoke God by names that represent or denote His appropriate attributes relevant to delivery or fulfillment of the the desire or object prayed and define an underlined methodolgy of effort to achieve the object prayed for. The simple translation may not bring forth all these ; a commentary does that.

Hymn 1.
I sing your glories and praises. Come burst forth in the recesses of my heart and let me feel and realise your pervading presence. And there may I offer my self as oblation to you who definitely oversee our spiritual and devotional acts to regulate their accomplishment and fulfillment.          Comment1

Hymn 2.
The learned and the wise have established that You oversee all the righteous and noble deeds done by people in a society or done for the welfare of society. As overseer you regulate their accomplishment and fulfillment.          Comment2

Hymn 3.
You are the very embodiment of knowledge. You are wise and promoter of wisdom. You are the overseer of my righteous and devotional act of surrender for absorption into you and you have I chosen for this. As the absorption takes place convey and impart your divine attributes and qualities and wealth of your wisdom on to my soul.         Comment3

Hymn 4.
Through devotional worship performed in a special method , namely meditation , and well praised and glorified God , who is pure and is the very knowledge itself and who is master of all wealth of knowledge , gets realised .He then destroys all ignorance clouding us and all obstacles of yoga. .         Comment4

Hymn 5.
Lord of knowledge and light, my body is like an alter of your worship. I eulogise and sing your glories and praises .As you travel or pass through me always, be my most beloved and dear like a friend.         Comment5

Hymn 6.
Lord of knowledge and light, our utterance or recitation of your great attributes, qualities and powers as enshrined in seven mystic words called mahavyahriti may protect us from all the propensities of miserliness ( in praising you), non sharing or of grabbing and also of aversion and animosities (towards you) that afflict we mortals.          Comment6

Hymn 7.
The true speech of praise well uttered (in meditation) for you , in voices other than ordinarily used , reaches you. The perception and apprehension of your presence grows and advances by these offerings .          Comment7

Hymn 8.
O lord of knowledge and light my praises and invocations of your qualities and attributes express my desire for you . From the co established state of supreme consciousness and beatitude, the mind of the speaker of your qualities and attributes , draws in and grasps the perception and knowledge of your presence          Comment8

Hymn 9.
The seekers with steady mind through meditational union in the vacuity of their hearts churn out decisive realisation The wise & prominent among them carry on this realisation in all the material objects .          Comment9

Hymn 10.
O Lord , the very embodiment of knowledge and light, decorate us with your unique light in enjoyment of our (spiritual) offering . Surely indeed You are the divinity for our realisation and knowledge.          Comment10

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Updated as on June 7, 1999