I live for it!
And I have noticed that many of us express ourselves through the good inspiration of the muses and their benefactors. Here are some favorite lines from favorite songs, and maybe, just manybe this will grow into a wav up/download spot, too. If I can just firgure out how to do that.....hee hee hee.
"the world is full of spiderwebs, the threads are stuck to me and you...
Careful what you're wishing for, cuz when you gain, you just might lose......."

Joan Osborne
"If you open your mind for me,
You won't rely on open eyes to see.
The walls you built will then,
come tumbling down and a new one will begin.
Living twice at once you learn
To save the vein, and the dream remain, the soul set free to fly...."

"Silent Lucidity" Queensryche
"I've got a pantheon of animals in a pagan soul,
Vishnu and Gaia,
Aztec and Maya,
Dance around my totem pole.
I've got 12 disciples, unspoken holy vows,
Thoughts to keep well hidden,
Sacred and forbidden,
Free to browse among the holy cows."

"Totem" Rush
Hmmmm....Where do you go from here? Hey! Choices, choices.
Back to the Main Page?
Or to other lyrical places like the Poetry Page
hmmm Or places to order music?
Like Barnes&Noble..enter category music, once you get there
or something that specializes in "new age", like Choices Unlimited
OR, sites on the web, like, well, I'll get some, promise!