
Bonfante Larissa : Etruscan in Reading the Past, British Museum Publications, 1990,London

Pallotino Massimo : The Etruscans, Allen Lane, London, 1975

Perrotin Damien Erwan : Paroles Etrusques, L'Harmattan, Paris, 1999

Pfiffig Ambros Josef : Die Estruskische Sprache, Akadem Druck Verlasangt, Graz,1969.

Woudhuizen Fred C. : LinguisticaTyrrhenica : a Compendium of Recent Results in Etruscan Linguistics,Gieben, Amsterdam, 1992

Jan Best & Fred Woudhuizen : Lost Languages from the Mediterranean, E.J Brill, Leiden, 1989

Cristofani, Mauro : Introduzione allo Studio dell Etrusco, Olschki, Firenze, 1973

Caffarello, Nelida : Avviamento allo Studio della Lingua Etrusca, Olschki, 1975

Woudhuizen Fred C. : LinguisticaTyrrhenica II : the Etruscan liturgical calendar from Capua, Gieben,Amsterdam, 1998

Fowler and Wolfe : Material for the study of the Etruscan language, University of Wisconsin Press,Madison, 1967

Dominique Briquel : La Civilisation Etrusque, Le Grand Livre du Mois, Paris, 1998.

Arnaldo D'arvesa : Dizionario della Lingua Etrusca, Paideia Editrice, Brescia, 1994

How to get these books

barnes and noble



Most important : how to debunk crackpots

The Etruscan Liber Linteus : a site totally devoted to the longest known etruscan text
La lingua Etrusca : a nice site devoted to the Etruscan tongue (in Italian)
Etruscan Glossary : a very interesting project, quite usefull for any serious student of Etruscan
The Etruscan Network : a compendium of all sites devoted to the Etruscans
Linguistique - Langues italiques et étrusques : a selected bibliography (in French)
Viteliu : a site devoted to the languages of pre-roman Italy
LEMNOS STELE : a turkish interpretation of the Lemnos Stele, not my thesis, but worth considering
Etruscan : a curious hypothesis about the nature of the Etruscan tongue (it would be a latin based slang).
Voice of Stones : a very interesting site about old tongues of Italy
LANGUAGES ON THE WEB : a very good compendium of web ressources
Dechipherment of the Etruscan language : Intellectual garbage. If you want to waste your time...
Edo Nyland's Linguistic archaeology : can we talk ourselves into virtually any kind of delirium ? Obviously, yes
The Proto-language page : an attempt to reconstitute the mother tongue of humanity with a section about Etruscan. A bit overaudacious in my view, but that's serious work
Etruscan as a Dravidian language : can a professional scientist make an amateurish work : yes, he can
Ancient fonts : a great collection of ancient font for PC and MAC, including Etruscan
Basque, Magyar Comparison - Index : a interesting site with a good Etruscan section. The guy is a bit overaudacious, but since he is cautious in his conclusions, it is worth being seen
SLAVONIC ANTIQUITY : where you learn that Etruscan is a slavic tongue. I have never seen anybody claiming it was a martian language, probably because I did not search
EXPAK8 - The Etruscan Bronze Liver of Piacenza : Another kook, zodiacal, this time
Alternative History Of Ancient Europe : An interesting sita about non-mainstream European peoples, with a good Etruscan section
rasenna : a very good site about Etruscans and etruscology, just too bad it is in French.
IndoTyrrhenian : an interesting theory about the prehistory of the Etruscan tongue.
phoinic : this guy claims he has deciphered the Discus of Magliano which would have been written in a tongue called arbenetike. Since this arbenetike is an Albanese dialect full of MODERN Greek words, I am a bit sceptical.
Etruscan Resource and References Page : the links are interesting, the theory is delirious
Etruscan_Phrases : another one who does not know Etruscan is written in the Greek alphabet. You also learn that Etruscan is close to Romance tongues. Hey, guy, never heard about something called Latin ?

Etruscans This page could have been great if the author had not tried to compare Etruscan with Indo-European and Hebrew. Obviously, he knows neither Indo-European nor Hebrew.

ETRUSCAN : the Hail Mary in Etruscan (sic). Is it really necessary to say it is an hoax

Etruscan Language : another avarnetika theory
To submit a link : just e-mail me. I will put it on line as soon as I can. Remember, however that if it is bullshit, I will say it is bullshit