Class #2:  Path Working / Cleansing The Body
by Reverend Dawn's Heart
aka Reverend S. Marie deFerbrache
of The Live Oak Experiential Church
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     Programs that work on self improvement, of any kind, are only as good as the commitment you give them.  There are no risks involved with Path Working, only benefits, but you must put forth the effort.  This is an on going process, not something you do once and then forget.  The benefit, however, is that every time you do it, you'll see more and more improvements.

Class 2:  Cleansing the body.  This isn't hard to do, and it isn't like 'fasting' for days on end.  It's a simple process by which you cleanse your body of impurities that have built up since you were born.
At this point, mind and body will begin joining as one.

    It was 1994/95.  Seeking a Homeopathic Cancer specialist brought me back to a family doctor I hadn't seen in 10 years.  During that time (he explained to me) his wife passed on due to cancer.  He had devoted his life to finding a cure.  He stood there talking to me, a man I couldn't help but listen to, because of his gentle demeanor and physical appearance.  Age had not touched him.  In is late-forties / early-fifties (judging from time and approximate age when I knew him before) he stood there with a full head of gorgous auburn hair, a body that looked better then most 20 year olds, and virtually a wrinkle free face (woof!).  At 38 I looked and felt like I could have been his Mother.  He shared with me a diet and program that he used every day.  The diet was only elaborated for 'cancer cure'.  From there I've also read many affirming articles by other doctors and have learned the value of 'caring for the body'.  Depending upon your current state of health, this could take a while, or be very easy.  For me it's been a long road, one I slip off and then get myself back on.
     Progress?  I feel that the progress I've made is outstanding.  I went to him with a tumor the size of a grapefruit, just under my stomach, and a warning that I had 6 months to live.  Now, five years later, the tumor is gone, there are no traces of cancer in my body and I'm getting a little better every day.  For a serious condition (such as cancer, aids, diabietes, etc.) I do not suggest doing this without the care and watchful eye of a good Homeopathic Doctor.  Although there is nothing in this that will hurt you, there are different levels of things needed, by the body, when it's ill.  If you concider yourself in a good, normal state of health proceed worry free.
     Just about a year into the program, I discovered an interesting side effect.  I felt like my mind and body were coming into focus.  Suddenly working as more of team, rather then being against each other.  Have you ever noticed that good team effert gets more done then a single individual?  That's what will happen for you as well.

Part I:  Identification.
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     Learning to listen to your body isn't as difficult as it sounds.  It's the first 'spirit' any good Witch should attempt to contact and communicate with.  Your body was designed to house you and work with you.  You've learned to listen to it when it's tired, catching a cold and hungry.  You can also learn to listen to it when it has other needs.  It speaks to you in a marvalous fashion with a complex system of signals and triggers.  The problem is that we have learned to ignor, rather then understand.  "I don't have time to be sick," so we give it something to cover up the symtom.  "I have to much to do," so we drink coffee rather then rest.  Add this to your list of affermations:
I will learn to care for my body.
I will learn to listen to my body.
My body is the perfect home,
for the things I must accomplish in this life.
     Step #1:  Start by finding a good Homeopathic doctor in your area.  This is a doctor that would rather treat things nutricinally and with vitamins and minerals, then with drugs.  Don't take me the wrong way.  Drugs are not bad, but just as you wouldn't take out a cannon to get rid of an ant, we shouldn't take drugs for a problem that a good diet and rest will cure.  After you've found one you like, make an appointment to have a complete top-to-bottom physical done.  Then go to your dentist and your eye doctor for the same thing.  Now you have a base to start with.
     Step #2:  Spend a week logging information about yourself.  Describe how you wake in the morning, what you eat, your sleeping patterns, how you feel at different times in the day.  When are you focused and able to get a lot done, when are you the least focused?  You need to start compiling a data base of you.  How do you feel after eating certian foods?  How does certian kinds of light affect you?  Do this with color as well.  You just may find that the color yellow and apples make you feel energized where as the color blue and meat make you feel sleepy.

Part II:  Analysis.
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     How many times have you 'thought' yourself sick?  Honestly!  What about going to a fair and eating yourself miserable?  And, when every one at work gets a cold?  In Part I you collected a lot of data about yourself, now it's time for some honest analysis.  I can't believe that anyone actually enjoys being sick, so why do we allow it?  When I was 10 years old my Father was in a automobile accident.  He was crippled very bad and got a lot of attention.  In my feeble little mind, illness, disease and handycap equalled attention.  As a result, when I got lonely, I got sick.  When I wanted to feel loved, I got hurt.  Now, you don't have to answer out loud, but how many of you are doing the same thing?  Think about it.  Having gone through Class #1 we can see what negative thoughts do to us.  Most illnesses, diseases and handycaps come from these negative programings and we get sick.  Now think about how many times you've really been sick, but didn't have the time?  You got better pretty quick didn't you?  Now I'm not saying that when you feel like you're going to throw up, it's all in your mind.  I hate it when someone tells me that.  But, when you REALLY think about it, many of our aches and pains, illnesses and diseases are directly related to our state of mind.  You need to start countering these conditions as well.  Many of them will be countered as you go through the excercises in Class I, however, there's nothing wrong with giving your body a little help.
     During Part I you should have collected data concerning your bodies reactions to foods, colors, sleeping patterns and the like.  Now with this information you can start countering some of those negative body reactions.  What is the REAL food (I'm not talking about coffee or candy here) that makes you feel zippiest?  Next time you feel run down, listen to what your body is telling you and eat that zippy food?
     Also, in Part I, you went to a doctor and had them give you an analysis.  What did they say?  Do you have high colestrial?  Did you know that excercise can counter a lot of this?  Ofcorse, changing eatting habits will help as well.  Next time you feel tired, try a slow walk outside.
     Adding a good vitamine and mineral supplament is almost a MUST!  Farmers of today do not put back all the nutrieants in the soil that the plants take out.  So let me ask you this.  If you continue to take $10.00 a day out of your bank, and only put $3.00 a day in, what's going to happen?  That is exactly what's happening to our bodies.  And not just anything off the shelf either.  There are some rather interesting stories about many vitamines.  Like:      There are three companies that I've learned about (I'm sure there are more) that have now made efforts to make a superiour vitamin supplement.  Cell Tech and their Super Blue Green Algie.  Watkins and their entire vitamine program.  Shakely and their alphalfa supplement.  All of these supplements are in forms that the body can digest and use.

Part III:  Banishing
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     There are two basic 'body' banishing rituals.  However, before I get into what to do, remember that your thoughts and impressions of yourself are also very important.  You can 'think' yourself thin or fat, old or young, healthy or sick.  Two rituals, simple but effective.

The Pamper Ritual
     This is, in essence, telling your body that you love it the way it is.  It helps you to banish negative thoughts about your own body.  Once a week reserve some time for yourself.  No matter what the weather, go outside for a nice walk.  If it's raining, take an umbrella (or walk in the rain if you want).  No matter how cold, how hot or how inclemit the weather may be, do not slack on this.  Go for your walk.  No matter where you go, find things that are pretty.  Pretty flowers, a great strong tree, a pretty house, nice storefront windows, a pretty person.  Finding pretty things is the object of the walk.  Movement is an important way to tell your body you love it.  For those of you that may have handycaps, get help to go outside.  Let someone pull you in a wagon or just 'scoot' across your yard on your bottom.  Don't just sit on your porch, move in some way, even if it's in a slow moving car with window down.  You must venture out, move and find pretty things.
     When you get home, it's time for a nice long bath, there's nothing quite like a good 'sit-and-soak' to tell the body you care about it.  If you can't get into a full bath tub, soak your feet or your arms and hands.  While you are doing this, think of the pretty things you saw on your outing.  I have even collected wild flowers on my outings and put them in my bath.
     Here is what this process does.  Doing something nice for your body tells it you care.  If you also think about the pretty things you saw, you associate beautiy with your bodies pamering.  This beauty starts to soak into your brain / body as you do this and you effectively banish negative body reactions.  After a month straight of doing this you WILL notice that you are prettier after your soaking.  Others will notice it as well.  Your body will actually start to take on the beauty that you remember.  It's wonderful and works everytime.

Vitamin Ritual
     I really like this one.  In most ritual cercumstances there is a part of it the ritual that calls for drinking and eating to the God/dess.  Instead of wine and cakes, replace this with your vitamins and good water.  I take out a vitamin for the God/dess and share.  By doing this I feel I'm not only giving energy back, but I'm also giving nutrients back (I still take seeds for the animals).  A great side effect is the wonderful plants that will grow all around your ritual area.  If you're stuck inside (as I am over the winter), put house plants around yourself and plant the vitamins in the pots (they'll love you for it).

Part IV:  Reprogramming
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     Not to cop out here, but this reprogramming is the same as you learned in Class #1 with only a few differances.  You will start with your bodies best quality and accentuate it.  Do an affermation about something you already know you like (I started with my eyes - I've always liked my eyes).  After affirming that for one full month, move to your next best quality and affirm that.  Then on and on.  You will find that those things you like about yourself will improve and the possitive input will help you approve of other parts of your body as well.  You start with something you already like because it will be easy for your brain / body to believe you.  Once you are trained to believe yourself, the other parts of your body can't help but respond because they will learn that your affirmations are truth.

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