Sarrothripinae (Noctuidae)
collection of Siberian Zoological Museum
(curators - G.S.Zolotarenko and V.V.Dubatolov)

materials from different regions of Russia are encoded as: FS RU CU UR WS SS MS CY NE NF KM AM SH KU

Negritothripa hampsoni (Wileman, 1911) AM
Nycteola revayana (Scopoli, 1772) SS Ukraine
Nycteola siculana Fuchs, 1899 Hungary
Nycteola degenerana (Hübner, [1799]) WS SS AM SH
Nycteola asiatica (Krulikowsky, 1904) AM Hungary Turkmenistan Kazakhstan
Characoma musculana (Erschoff, 1874) Kazakhstan
Nolathripa lactaria (Graeser, 1892) AM

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