collection of the Siberian Zoological Museum
(curator - Elena I. Zholnerovskaya)
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Although one of the largest zoological museums in Russia the Siberian Zoological Museum is one of the least well-known, despite the fact that in 1994 it celebrated its 50 anniversary. It is a department of the Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science (formerly the Biological Institute of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Scienses). Only tree museums in Russia have more than 100 000 mammal specimens: Leningrad, Moscow and Novosibirsk (Rossolimo, 1985; Zholnerovskaya, 1992, 1995; Mordkovich, Zholnerovskaya, 1995; Zholnerovskaya, Mordkovich, 1996)*.

The Siberian theriological collection is one of the thirteen largest collections in the world (Angermann, 1989; Genoways, Schlitter, 1982). It includes over 273 identified species, representative of the fauna of Siberia, and to a less extent other parts of the former USSR. For some species, data is also available from Western Europe, Western and Central Asia, Mongolia, Japan, Africa and other areas. The museum`s collection is composed of archived materials, and is not on display.

The composition of the collection of mammals of the Siberian Zoological Museum (Jan., 1, 1997)
in Museum
Number of 
species in:
Number of species 
in Museum
Percent of represented species in Museum
Number of species in Museum
Number of species in Museum
ex-USSR (%)

 *In accordance with Pavlinov, Rossolimo (1987).
 **Order Lipotyphla correspond to Order Insectivora (Pavlinov, Rossolimo, 1998).
***Now the Mammalia collection includes 103700 specimens of 284 species (Jan., 1, 2002).

The composition of the inventory is shown in the table supplied. It can be seen that there are about 70% are mammal species of the fauna of what was formerly the USSR, the bulk of wich are accounted for by lipotyphlans (51 000 specimens). Created through the efforts of S.U.Stroganov and B.S.Yudin, this section of the collection is possibly the best in Russia. The materials in the collection have been arranged in series reflecting the geographical, individual, sex, age and coat color variation.

The type collection is represented by 22 holotypes and lectotypes, and many paratypes of different species and subspecies.

The form of storage of the material as pelts, stuffed pelts, skulls, alcohol-fixed animals. The main collection is provided by a detailed card index arranged systematically.

The determination of collection materials was done by staff persons of the Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology (formerly - Biological Institute) and scientists, who had visited the Museum. At the same time, there are many specimens from every genus without determination.

The Museum has «Catalogue of the collection of mammals in the Siberian zoological museum (Novosibirsk, Russia)» (Zholnerovskaya E.I., Koyasu K., 1997, in English). The catalogue adopts the following arrangement of material: species composition and the nomenclature of Russian fauna are presented in accordance with the "The Mammals of Eurasia" (Pavlinov et al., 1995), "The Mammals of Russia and Adjacent Territories" (Gromov and Erbajeva, 1995). Foreing fauna are in accordance with "The Systematics of Mammals" (Sokolov, 1973, 1977, 1979). In the case of deviations from adopted, the respective places in the text are provided with comments. There are few such cases. The geographical names of regions and localities are given in accordance with the" Atlas of the USSR" (1983), and the "Dictionary of Geographical Names of the USSR" (1983). They are in accordance with modern administrative division and each particular species is arranged alphabetically. The names of collectors are given only in especially interesting cases.
This catalogue is the first detailed list of the documented data for the Siberian Museum’s numerous species of mammals, collected over a period spanning over fifty years (1946-1996), and there is no equivalent in Russia. The publication of this catalogue was supported in part by the Fujiwara Natural History Foundation and by research grants from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture of Japan. The list of some voles (Rodentia: Cricetidae, Arvicolinae) and of all the ungulates (Artiodactyla, Perissodactyla) is published in first time. The list of another mammals was published earlier (Zholnerovskaya, Shvetsov, Kalabin and Lopatina, 1989, in Russian).





Atlas of the USSR // Moskow: GUGK Publ. 1983. 259 p.
Angermann R. Die Saugetierkollektion des Museums fur Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin // Saugetierkd. Inf. Jena. 1989. 3. H.13. S.47-68.
Dictionary of geographical names of the USSR // Moscow: Nedra Publ. 1983. 296 p.
Egorin N.F. Mole of the Salairsky Range and their harvest // Proc. of Biological Research Institute of Tomsk University. 1936. V.2. P.136-153.
Egorin N.F. Systematics and distribution of moles in Western Siberia // Proc. of Biological Research Institute of Tomsk University. 1937. V.4. P.48-49.
Genoways H.H., Schlitter D.A. Survey of the recent mammal collections of the world // III Intern. Ther. Congress. Helsinki. 1982. P.80.
Gromov I.M., Erbajeva M.A. The Mammals of the Russia and adjacent territories. Lagomorphs and Rodents // St. Peterburg. 1995. 521 p.
Judin B.S. New palearctic species of shrew (Mammalia, Sorex) from Kurile Islands // Izvestiya SOAN SSSR. 1967. V.5. N 1. P.155-157.
Judin B.S., Zolotarenko G.S. Type collections of animals stored in zoological museum of Biological Institute // Fauna of Siberia. Novosibirsk: Nauka Publ., Siberian Branch. 1970. P.10-18.
Mordkovich V.G., Zholnerovskaya E.I. Collections of the Siberian Zoological Museum (50th anniversary of the Museum) // Zoological journal. 1995. V.74.  N 9. P.137-143.
Ognev S.I. Materials on the systematics of Palearctic shrews // Research Institute of Zoology of Moscow University Bulletin. Moscow: Moscow University Publ. 1933. P.57-59.
Pavlinov I.Ya., Rossolimo O.L. Systematics of Mammals of USSR // Moscow: Moscow University Publ. 1987. 282 p.
Pavlinov I.Ya., Rossolimo O.L. Systematics of Mammals of USSR // Archives of Zoological Museum. Vol. XXXVIII. Moscow University Publ. 1998. 190 p.
Pavlinov I.Ya., Yakhontov E.L., Agadzanyan A.K. Mammals of Eurasia. I. Rodentia // Archives of Zoological Museum. Moscow State University. 1995. V.32. 239 p.
Pavlinov I.Ya., Borisenko A.V., Kruskop S.V., Yachontov E.L. Mammals of Eurasia. II. Non-Rodentia // Archives of Zoological Museum. Moscow State University. 1995. V.33. 336 p.
Rossolimo O.L. Mammal collections of the USSR and geographic areas of the country poorly represented in mammal research collection // Acta Zool. Fennica. 1985. 170. P.51-52.
Sokolov V. E. Systematics of mammals // Moscow: Vysshaya Shkola Publ. 1973 (Part 1). 1977 (Part 2). 1979 (Part. 3).
Stroganov S.U. New data on the systematics of marbled polecat (Vormela peregusna) // Proc. of Institute of Zoology, USSR Acad. Sci. 1948. V.7. 3. P.129-132.
Stroganov S.U. Review of subspecies and geographical distribution of least shrew (Sorex tscherskii Ognev) // Memoirs of the Tomsk University. 1949. N12.  P.191-192.
Stroganov S.U. Materials on the systematics of Siberian mammals // Proc. of Biological Institute, West-Siberian Filial of USSR Acad. Sci. 1956 a. V.1. P.3-10.
Stroganov S.U. Materials on the knowledge of theriofauna of the Soviet Union // Proc. of Biological Institute, West-Siberian Filial of USSR Acad. Sci. 1956 b. V.1. P.15-21.
Stroganov S.U. Mammals of Siberia. Insectivores // Moscow. 1957 a. 267 p.
Stroganov S.U. On the problem of the origin of Siberian insectivores fauna // Izvestiya Vostochnogo Filiala AN SSSR. 1957 b. V.2. P.95-104.
Stroganov S.U. On the distribution and taxonomy of pygmy shrew in Middle Asia // Novosibirsk: RIO SO AN SSSR. 1958 a. P.122-126.
Stroganov S.U. Review of subspecies of the steppe polecat (Putorius eversmanni Lesson) of Siberian fauna // Izvestiya SO AN SSSR. 1958 b. N 11. P.149-156.
Stroganov S.U. Notes on the taxonomy of some species of the genera Crocidura (Soricidae, Mammalia) // Proc. of Biological Institute, Siberian Branch of USSR Acad. Sci. 1960 a. V.6. P.159-163.
Stroganov S.U. New forms of carnivorous mammals (Carnivora, Mammalia) of Palearctic // Proc. of Biolofical Institute, Siberian Branch of USSR Acad. Sci. 1960 b. V.6. P.155-159.
Stroganov S.U. Mammals of Siberia. Carnivores // Moscow: AN SSSR Publ. 1962. 458 p.
Stroganov S.U., Potapkina A.F. Characteristic of the rodents fauna of Tomsk Region // Memmoirs of the Tomsk University. 1950. N 14. P.101-143.
Stroganov S.U., Yudin B.S. To the systematics of some rodents of Western Siberia // Proc. of the Tomsk University. 1956. V.142. P. 291-294.
Yudin B.S. Geographical distribution and intraspecific taxonomy of least shrew in Western Siberia // Acta Theriologica. 1964. V. 7(10). P.167-178.
Yudin B.S. Structure of genitalis as basic feature in shrews classification // Izvestiya AN SSSR. 1966. V.12. P.61-75.
Yudin B.S. New palearctic species of shrew (Mammalia, Sorex) from Kurile Islands // Izvestiya SO AN SSSR. Ser.biol. and med. nauk. 1967. V.5. N 1. P.155-157.
Yudin B.S. Insectivorous Mammals of Siberia // Novosibirsk: Nauka Publ., Siberian Branch. 1971. 170 p.
Yudin B.S. To the systematics of the masked shrew (Sorex cinereus Kerr, 1972) of the USSR fauna // Theriology. Novosibirsk: Nauka Publ., Siberian Branch. 1972. V.1. P.45-50.
Yudin B.S. Zolotarenko G.S. Type collections of animals stored in zoological museum of Biological Institute // Fauna of Siberia. Novosibirsk: Nauka Publ., Siberian Branch. 1970. P.10-18.
Zholnerovskaya E.I., Shvetsov Yu.G., Kalabin S.L., Lopatina N.V. Catalogue of collections of the Zoological museum of Biological Institute, Siberian Branch, USSR Academy of Sciences. Mammmals // Novosibirsk, Nauka Publ., Siberin Branch. 1989. 161 p.
Zholnerovskaya E.I. The largest collection of mammals in Siberia. In: Natural History Collections // Internal. Symp. on the Preservation and Conservation of Nat. Hist. Collection. Madrid. 1992. P.185.
Zholnerovskaya E.I. Collection of mammals of the Zoological museum in Siberia: 50 years since the day of faundation // Second European Congress of Mammalogy. University of Southampton. England. 1995. P.66.
Zholnerovskaya E.I., Mordkovich V.G. Siberian Zoological Museum - the largest depositary in Asian part of the Russia. Second World Congress on the Preservation and Conservation of Natural History Collections // University of Cambridge. England. 1996.
Zholnerovskaya E.I., Koyasu K. Catalogue of the collection of mammals in the Siberian zological museum (Novosibirsk, Russia) // Edited by Sen-ichi Oda. Nagoya Society of Mammalogists special publication NO.1. Nagoya, Japan, 1997. 191 p.

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