Siberian Zoological Museum
(curator - E.I.Zholnerovskaya)
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The biggest zoological museum in Asian part of Russia – Siberian Zoological Museum (RUSSIA, Novosibirsk, Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology) possesses a theriological collection, which contains 105 thousand of specimens belonging to 284 mammal species (Yudin, Zolotarenko, 1970; Zholnerovskaya, Koyasu, 1997; Zholnerovskaya et al., 1989).

Altogether in the collection it is 126 type specimens including 22 holotypes and 104 paratypes of 32 taxa.

Three of them described as type specimens of the species range.
There are 2 holotypes:
Sorex beringianus Yudin, 1967 (now = S. leucogaster Kuroda, 1933),
Alticola fetisovi Galkina et Jepifantseva, 1988
and 1 paratype:
Sorex dukelskiae Ognev, 1933 (now = S. roboratus Hollister, 1913).

The other type specimens represent 29 subspecies, 9 ones from which are acknowledged now (*):
Talpa europaea transuralensis Stroganov, 1956 (holotype, 3 paratypes)
Sorex minutus heptapotamicus Stroganov, 1956 (holotype, 6 paratypes)
Sorex minutissimus barabensis Stroganov, 1956 (3 paratypes)
Mustela eversmanni tuvinicus Stroganov, 1960 (holotype, 1 paratype)
Vormela peregusna obscura Stroganov, 1948 (1 paratype)
Ochotona hyperborea davanica Sokolov, Ivanitskaya, Gruzdev et Geptner, 1994 (lectotype, 2 paratypes)
Marmota baibacina kastschenkoi Stroganov et Yudin, 1956 (holotype)
Clethrionomys glareolus devius Stroganov et Tur’eva, 1948 (6 paratypes)**
Sicista betulina taigica Stroganov et Potapkina, 1950 (holotype, 1 paratype)

One holotype has the highest value in the Museum. This holotype has been described as the subspecies type specimen and in the present time it is acknowledged as a species one - Sorex cinereus camtschatica Yudin, 1972 (now = Sorex camtschaticus Yudin, 1972).

The systematic of the mammals and geographical names of the regions and localities are given in accordance with the “Systematic of the mammals of the USSR” (Pavlinov, Rossolimo, 1998) and “Atlas of the USSR” (1983), “Dictionary of geographical names of the USSR” (1983).

The full list of type specimens is:

O r d e r L I P O T Y P H L A
Family TALPIDAE Fischer, 1817
Genus TALPA Linnaeus, 1758

*Talpa europaea transuralensis Stroganov, 1956 (Stroganov, 1956a).
Holotype: N 6694 (coll. 751), skin with skull, male, Sorovaya village, mid reaches of Demyanikha river, Uvatskyi district, Tyumenskaya region, 27.08.1950, V.I.Telegin.
Paratypes: N 6690 (2304, coll. 733), skin with skull, male, 25.08.1950, the same label; N 6259 (coll. 57), skin with skull, Kiryushino village, Tobolskyi district, Tyumenskaya region, 7.08.1955; N 6160 (coll. 170), skin with skull, at the same place, 8.08.1955, V.I.Telegin.

Talpa altaica salairica Egorin, 1936 (Egorin, 1936).
Lectotype: N 6665 (coll. 46), skull, male, Salairskyi Kryazh, 22.06.1934, N.F.Egorin.
Paralectotype: N 6668 (coll. 10), skull, at the same place, male, 1932, N.F.Egorin.

Talpa altaica sibirica Egorin, 1937 (Egorin, 1937).
Lectotype: N 6669 (coll. 9), skull, male, Tyazhin station, Mariinskaya taiga, Tyazhinskyi district, Kemerovskaya region, 18.07.1935, K.T.Avseenko.
Paralectotypes: N 6663 (coll. 96), N 6666 (coll. 29), N 6667 (coll. 115), N 6674 (coll.118), 4 skulls, 4 males, 1935, the same label.

Talpa altaica tymensis Egorin, 1937 (Egorin, 1937).
Lectotype: N 6673 (coll. 48), skull, male, Naunak village, Vasyugan river, Kargasokskyi district, Tomskaya region, 4.07.1935, N.F.Egorin.
Paralectotypes: N 6672 (coll. 127), skull, male, 4.08.1935, the same label; N 6191 (coll. 109), N 6214 (coll. 72), 2 skins with skull, 2 males, Napas village, Tym river, Parabelskyi district, Tomskaya region, july 1935, P.P.Ryazantsev.

Family SORICIDAE Fisher, 1817
Genus SUNCUS Ehrenberg, 1832

Suncus etruscus bactrianus Stroganov, 1958 (Stroganov, 1958 a).
Paratype: N 4388 (coll. 2416), skin with skull, female, vinicity of the city of Shaartuz, Kurgan-Tyubinskaya region, Tadjikistan, 10.07.1951, S.U.Stroganov.

Genus CROCIDURA Wagler, 1832

Crocidura leucodon volgensis Stroganov, 1960 (Stroganov, 1960 a).
Holotype: N 3317 (coll. 2404), skin with skull, male, Valuiskaya experimental station, Volgogradskaya region, 20.07.1949, A.S.Stroganova.
Paratype: N 3316 (2405, coll. 483), skin with skull, male, at the same place, 21.09.1949, A.S.Stroganova.

Crocidura leucodon avicennai Stroganov, 1960 (Stroganov, 1960 a).
Holotype: N 3314 (2124, coll. 5), skin with skull, male, Tigrovaya Balka reserve, Kurgan-Tyubinskaya region, Tadjikistan, 21.06.1951, S.U.Stroganov.
Paratypes: N 3312 (coll.2126), N 3315 (coll.2125), 2 skins with skull, females, at the same place, 06.1951, S.U.Stroganov.

Genus SOREX Linnaeus, 1758

*Sorex minutus heptapotamicus Stroganov, 1956 (Stroganov, 1956 a).
Holotype: N 2349 (coll. 2325), alcohol-fixed sample, male, Terskey-Ala-Too range, Tien-Shan, Issyk-Kulskaya region, Kirghizstan, 8.09.1953, R.P.Zimina.
Paratypes: N 4362 (coll. 2502), N 4398 (coll. 2426), 2 skins with skull,
male and female, the same label; N 33661 (3315, coll. 306), N 33662 (coll. 2391),
male, 2 alcohol-fixed samples, at the same place, summer 1953, R.P.Zimina; N 33663 (coll. 2067), alcohol-fixed sample, male, vicinity of Lake Issyk-Kul, 1.08.1952, Sartybaev; N 33664 (2068, coll.70), alcohol-fixed sample, male, at the same place, 25.09.1952, A.I.Yanushevich.

Sorex minutissimus karelicus Stroganov, 1949 (Stroganov, 1949).
Paratypes: N 6734 (coll. 880), N 6736 (coll. 920), 2 skins with skull, 2 males, Toyvola village, Suoyarvskyi district, Karelia, august 1948, S.U.Stroganov.

Sorex minutissimus abnormis Stroganov, 1949 (Stroganov, 1949).
Paratypes: N 2342 (coll. 2115), alcohol-fixed sample, female, vicinity of Lake Kurgaldzhin, Akmolinskaya region, Kazakhstan, 4.08.1948, M.I.Vladimirskaya.

*Sorex minutissimus barabensis Stroganov, 1956 (Stroganov, 1956 a).
Paratypes: N 4364 (coll.2063), skull, N2361 (coll. 2064), alcohol-fixed sample, female, Egerbush village, Barabinskyi district, Novosibirskaya region, 20.10.1952, G.V.Kvitnitskaya: N 2362 (coll. 2218), N 2363 (coll. 2219), 2 alcohol-fixed samples, 2 males, Kashlamskyi pine wood, Kolyvanskyi district, Novosibirskaya region, 10.05.1952, S.U.Stroganov, N 6742 (coll.2019), skull, 07-08.1952, A.A.Maksimov.

Sorex minutissimus stroganovi Yudin, 1964 (Yudin, 1964).
Paratypes: N 7540 (coll. 522), skin with skull, female, N 7542 (coll. 777), skin with skull, female, upper reaches of the Buguzun river, Kosh-Agachskyi district, Mountain Altai, 16-28.08.1962, B.S.Yudin; N 7541 (coll. 627), skin with skull, at the same place, 20.08.1962, A.B.Markina.

Sorex minutissimus caudata Yudin, 1964 (Yudin, 1964).
Paratypes: N 7552 (coll. 2751), N 7553 (coll. 804), N 7554 (coll. 844), 3 skins with skull, 3 males, Kebezen village, valley of the Biay river, Turochakskyi district, Mountain Altai, 8.07.1963, I.V.Lukyanova.

Sorex beringianus Yudin, 1967 (Yudin, 1967) (=S. leucogaster Kuroda, 1933).
Holotype: N 2341 (coll. 152), skin with skull, male, Paramushir, Kuril Islands, 5.08.1966, A.G.Velizhanin.
Paratypes: N 2350 (coll. 103), skin with skull, 2351 (coll. 104), skull, male and female, at the same place, V.I.Telegin; N 2352 (coll. 233), skull, male, at the same place, 20.08.1966, A.G.Velizhanin; N 2353 (coll. 650), skull, female, at the same place, 15.09.1960, V.G.Voronov.

Sorex cinereus camtschatica Yudin, 1972 (Yudin, 1972) (now is Sorex camtschaticus Yudin, 1972).
Holotype: N 2342 (coll. 481), alcohol-fixed sample, male, Kambalnaya bay, Ust-Bolsheretskyi district, Kamchatka peninsula, Kamchatskaya region, 18.08.1967, V.G.Voronov.
Paratypes: N M-294 (coll.430), male, 8.08.1967; N M-1318 (coll.473), female, 15.08.1967; N M-737 (coll.0), female, 1967; N M-298 (coll.482), male, 17.08.1967; alcohol-fixed samples, the same lable.

Sorex cinereus caecutienoides Stroganov, 1957 (Stroganov, 1957) (=S. caecutiens Laxmann, 1788).
Holotype: N 2363 (coll. 2023), alcohol-fixed sample, female, Megino-Kangalasskii district, Yakutia, august 1952, P.D.Larionov.
Paratypes: N 2364 (coll. 2024), 2365 (coll. 3570), 2 alcohol-fixed samples, males and females, the same lable.

Sorex dukelskiae Ognev, 1933 (Ognev, 1933) (=S. roboratus Hollister, 1913).
Paratype: N 4391 (coll. 53), skull, Taz river, Turukhanskyi territory, (Tyumenskaya region, Yamalo-Nenetskyi autonomous circuit), august 1929, V.N.Skalon.

O r d e r C A R N I V O R A
Family MUSTELIDAE Fischer, 1817
Genus MUSTELA Linnaeus, 1758

Mustela eversmanni nobilis (Stroganov, 1958) (Stroganov, 1958 b).
Holotype: N 6993 (coll. 4404), skin with skull, male, vicinity of the city of Kokchetav, Kazakhstan, 18.03.1958, S.U.Stroganov.

Mustela eversmanni pallidus (Stroganov, 1958) (Stroganov, 1958 b).
Paratypes: N 7014 (coll. 4355), skin with skull, N 7015 (coll. 4356), skull, 7231 (coll. 4530), skin, 3 females, Kargat village, Kargatskyi district, Novosibirskaya region, 4.03.1958, S.U.Stroganov.

Mustela eversmanni heptapotamicus (Stroganov, 1960) (Stroganov, 1960 b).
Holotype: N 7279 (coll. 4524), skin with skull, female, Ili river, south Cis-Balkhash, Kazakhstan, april 1958, A.P.Lesnyak.

*Mustela eversmanni tuvinicus (Stroganov, 1960) (Stroganov, 1960 b).
Holotype: N 6983 (coll. 4403), skin with skull, female, Chaa-Khol village, Ulug-Khemskyi district, Tuva, 20.04.1958, O.I.Gavrilov.
Paratype: N 39800 (270, coll .196), skin with skull, male, Zaimka Ogneva, Tandinskyi district, Tuva, 18.08.1945, A.Charkova.

Mustela eversmanni dauricus (Stroganov, 1958) (Stroganov, 1958 b).
Holotype: N 7008 (coll. 4401), skin with skull, female, Smolenskoe village, vicinity of the city of Chita, 12.01.1939, I.A.Velinsky.

Genus VORMELA Blasius, 1884.

*Vormela peregusna obscura Stroganov, 1948 (Stroganov, 1948).
Paratype: N 356 (2229, coll. 73), skull, female, valley of the Vakhsh river, Tadjikistan, 29.04.1943, S.U.Stroganov.

Genus MELES Boddart, 1785

Meles meles aberrans Stroganov, 1962 (Stroganov, 1962).
Holotype: N 6806 (4184, coll. 79), skin with skull, male, Bogumbay village, Akmolinskaya region, Kazakhstan, 4.08.1957, L.I.Galkina.

Genus LUTRA Brunnich, 1771

Lutra lutra borealis Stroganov, 1960 (Stroganov, 1960 b).
Holotype: N 7201 (coll. 4313), skull, female, mid reaches of the Pur river, Tyumenskaya region, 2.08.1955, V.I.Telegin.

O r d e r L A G O M O R P H A
Family LEPORIDAE Fischer, 1817
Genus LEPUS Linnaeus, 1758

Lepus europaeus orientalis Stroganov et Yudin, 1956 (Stroganov, Yudin, 1956).
Holotype: N 2354 (coll. 1633), skin with skull, male, Borodavkino village, Iskitimskyi district, Novosibirskaya region, 11.12.1951, V.I.Telegin.
Paratype: N 2355 (coll. 866), skin with skull, male, 18.II.1951, the same lable.

Family OCHOTONIDAE Thomas, 1897
Genus OCHOTONA Link, 1795

*Ochotona hyperborea davanica Sokolov, Ivanitskaya, Gruzdev et Geptner, 1994 (Sokolov, et al., 1994)
Lectotype: N 31867 (coll.218), skin with skull, male, Buryatia, Baikal’skyi range, Davan pass, 5.08.1975, Yu.G.Shvetsov, Det. E.Yu.Ivanitskaya.
Paralectotypes: N 31869 (coll.246), skin with skull, male, 7.08.1975; N 31862 (coll.252), female, 7.08.1975, the same lable.

O r d e r R O D E N T I A
Family SCIURIDAE Fischer, 1817
Genus MARMOTA Blumenbach, 1779

*Marmota baibacina kastschenkoi Stroganov et Yudin, 1956 (Stroganov et Yudin, 1956).
Holotype: N 6884 (coll. 3223), skin with skull, male, Lyazgino village, vicinity of the city of Tomsk, 17.08.1950, B.S.Yudin.

Family CRICETIDAE Fischer, 1817
Genus CLETHRIONOMYS Tilesius, 1850

*Clethrionomys glareolus devius Stroganov et Tur'eva, 1948 (Stroganov, Tur’eva, 1948).
Paratypes: N 5307 (38, coll.54), skin with skull, male, Komi, vicinity Nizhnee Bugaevo village, 7.09.1947, V.V.Tur’eva; N 5311 (54, coll.32), male, skin with skull; N 5312 (70, coll.53), male, skin with skull; N 5316 (40, coll.51), male; N 5321 (61, col.35), male; N 5324 (39, coll.30) male, skin with skull, the same lable.

Genus ALTICOLA Blanford, 1881

Alticola fetisovi Galkina et Jepifantseva, 1988 (Galkina, Jepifantseva, 1988)
Holotype: N 33927 (coll.1564), skin and skull, male, ad, Transbaikalia, North Khentei range, Chitinskaya region, Sokhondinskyi reserver, Mountain Sokhondo,2100-2300 m., 18-20.08.1980, coll. L.I.Galkina.
Paratypes: 43 examples, 12-24.08.1979, 16-23.08.1980, skins with skull, the same lable, coll. L.I.Galkina; 06.1981, skins with skull, North Khentei, Tsagan-Ula mountain, coll. Yu.G.Shvetsov.

Family SMINTHIDAE Brandt, 1855
Genus SICISTA Gray, 1827

*Sicista betulina taigica Stroganov et Potapkina, 1950 (Stroganov, Potapkina, 1950).
Holotype: N 5450 (1412, coll. 3), skin, male, valley of the Lisitsa river, Verkhneketskyi district, Tomskaya region, 27.08.1949, M.I.Reshetova.
Paratype: N 5449 (coll. 2700), skin, at the same place, 17.08.1949, N.G.Andreeva.

O r d e r A R T I O D A C T Y L A
Family BOVIDAE Gray, 1821
Genus GAZELLA Blainville, 1816

Gazella subgutturosa gracilicornis Stroganov, 1956 (Stroganov, 1956 b).
Holotype: N 2358 (coll. 92), skull, female, valley of the Vakhsh river, Tadjikistan, 16.01.1944, S.U.Stroganov.
Paratypes: N 2359 (coll. 2978), N 2360 (coll.2979), male, horns, at the same place, 10.09.1950, S.U.Stroganov.


Atlas of the USSR // Moskow: GUGK Publ. 1983. 259 p.
Angermann R. Die Saugetierkollektion des Museums fur Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin // Saugetierkd. Inf. Jena. 1989. 3. H.13. S.47-68.
Dictionary of geographical names of the USSR // Moscow: Nedra Publ. 1983. 296 p.
Egorin N.F. Mole of the Salairsky Range and their harvest // Proc. of Biological Research Institute of the Tomsk University. 1936. V.2. P.136-153.
Egorin N.F. Systematics and distribution of moles in Western Siberia // Proc. of Biological Research Institute of Tomsk University. 1937. V.4. P.37-58.
Galkina L.I., Jepifantseva L.Yu. A new species of Alticola from Transbaikalia (Rodentia, Cricetidae) // Vestnik zoologii. 1988. N 2. P.30-33.
Genoways H.H., Schlitter D.A. Survey of the recent mammal collections of the world // III Intern. Ther. Congress. Helsinki. 1982. P.80.
Gromov I.M., Erbaeva M.A. The Mammals of the Russia and adjacent territories (Lagomorphs and Rodents) // St. Peterburg. 1995. 521 p.
Gromov I.G., Gureev A.A., Novikov G.A., Sokolov I.I., Strelkov, P.P. and Chapskii K.K. Mammals of the fauna of the USSR. Keys to identification // Moscow - Leningrad. 1963. V.1 (Insectivora, Chiroptera, Lagomorpha, Rodentia). 640 p.
Mordkovich V.G., Zholnerovskaya E.I. Collections of the Siberian Zoological Museum (50th anniversary of the Museum) // Zoological journal. 1995. V.74. N 9. P.137-143.
Ognev S.I. Materials on the systematics of the Palearctic shrews // Bulletin of the Research Institute of Zoology of the Moscow State University. Moscow: Moscow University Publ. 1933. P.57-63.
Pavlinov I.Ya., Rossolimo O.L. Systematics of Mammals of USSR // Moscow: Moscow University Publ. 1987. 282 p.
Pavlinov I.J., Rossolimo O.L. The Systematic of the mammals of the USSR (supplement) // Archives of Zoological Museum Moscow State University Editor Rossolimo O.L. 1998. Vol.XXXYIII, 189 p.
Pavlinov I.Ya., Yakhontov E.L., Agadzanyan A.K. Mammals of Eurasia. I. Rodentia // Archives of Zoological Museum. Moscow State University. 1995. V.32. 239 p.
Pavlinov I.Ya., Borisenko A.V., Kruskop S.V., Yachontov E.L. Mammals of Eurasia. II. Non-Rodentia // Archives of Zoological Museum. Moscow State University. 1995. V.33. 336 p.
Rossolimo O.L. Mammal collections of the USSR and geographic areas of the country poorly represented in mammal research collection // Acta Zool. Fennica. 1985. 170. P.51-52.
Sokolov V. E. Systematics of mammals // Moscow: Vysshaya Shkola Publ. 1973 (Part 1). 1977 (Part 2). 1979 (Part. 3).
Sokolov V.E., Ivanitskaya E.Yu., Gruzdev V.V., Geptner, V.G. Mammals of Russia and adjacent territories: Lagomorpha // Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1994. 272 p.
Stroganov S.U. New data on the systematics of marbled polecat (Vormela peregusna) // Proc. of Institute of Zoology, USSR Acad. Sci. 1948. V.7. 3. P.129-132.
Stroganov S.U. Review of subspecies and geographical distribution of least shrew (Sorex tscherskii Ognev) // Memoirs of the Tomsk University. 1949. N12. P.191-192.
Stroganov S.U. Materials on the systematics of Siberian mammals // Proc. of Biological Institute, West-Siberian Filial of USSR Acad. Sci. 1956 a. V.1. P.3-10.
Stroganov S.U. Materials on the knowledge of theriofauna of the Soviet Union // Proc. of Biological Institute, West-Siberian Filial of USSR Acad. Sci. 1956 b. V.1. P.15-19.
Stroganov S.U. Mammals of Siberia. Insectivores // Moscow. 1957. 267 p.
Stroganov S.U. On the distribution and taxonomy of pygmy shrew in Middle Asia // Novosibirsk: RIO SO AN SSSR. 1958 a. P.122-126.
Stroganov S.U. Review of subspecies of the steppe polecat (Putorius eversmanni Lesson) of Siberian fauna // Izvestiya SO AN SSSR. 1958 b. N 11. P.149-156.
Stroganov S.U. Notes on the taxonomy of some species of the genus Crocidura (Soricidae, Mammalia) // Proc. of Biological Institute, Siberian Branch of USSR Acad. Sci. 1960 a. V.6. P.159-163.
Stroganov S.U. New forms of carnivorous mammals (Carnivora, Mammalia) of Palearctic // Proc. of Biolofical Institute, Siberian Branch of USSR Acad. Sci. 1960 b. V.6. P.155-159.
Stroganov S.U. Mammals of Siberia. Carnivores // Moscow: AN SSSR Publ. 1962. 458 p.
Stroganov S.U., Potapkina A.F. Characteristic of the rodents fauna of Tomsk Region // Memmoirs of the Tomsk University. 1950. N 14. P.101-143.
Stroganov S.U., Tur’eva V.V. A new subspecies of Clethrionomys // Bull.MOIP. Moscow. 1948.V.53B, No 6. P.51-52.
Stroganov S.U., Yudin B.S. To the systematics of some rodents of Western Siberia // Proc. of the Tomsk State University. 1956. V.142. P. 291-294.
Yudin B.S. Geographical distribution and intraspecific taxonomy of least shrew in Western Siberia // Acta Theriologica. 1964. V. 7(10). P.167-178.
Yudin B.S. Structure of genitalis as basic feature in shrews classification // Izvestiya AN SSSR. 1966. V.12. P.61-75.
Yudin B.S. New palearctic species of shrew (Mammalia, Sorex) from Kurile Islands // Izvestiya SO AN SSSR. Ser.biol. and med. nauk. 1967. V.5. N 1. P.155-157.
Yudin B.S. Insectivorous Mammals of Siberia // Novosibirsk: Nauka Publ., Siberian Branch. 1971. 170 p.
Yudin B.S. To the systematics of the masked shrew (Sorex cinereus Kerr, 1972) of the USSR fauna // Theriology. Novosibirsk: Nauka Publ., Siberian Branch. 1972. V.1. P.45-50.
Yudin B.S. Zolotarenko G.S. Type collections of animals stored in zoological museum of Biological Institute // Fauna of Siberia. Novosibirsk: Nauka Publ., Siberian Branch. 1970. P.10-18.
Zholnerovskaya E.I. The largest collection of mammals in Siberia. In: Natural History Collections // Internal. Symp. on the Preservation and Conservation of Nat. Hist. Collection. Madrid. 1992. P.185.
Zholnerovskaya E.I. Collection of mammals of the Zoological museum in Siberia: 50 years since the day of faundation // Second European Congress of Mammalogy. University of Southampton. England. 1995. P.66.
Zholnerovskaya E.I., Mordkovich V.G. Siberian Zoological Museum - the largest depositary in Asian part of the Russia. Second World Congress on the Preservation and Conservation of Natural History Collections // University of Cambridge. England. 1996.
Zholnerovskaya E.I., Koyasu K. Catalogue of the collection of mammals in the Siberian zological museum (Novosibirsk, Russia) // Edited by Sen-ichi Oda. Nagoya Society of Mammalogists special publication NO.1. Nagoya, Japan, 1997. 191 p.
Zholnerovskaya E.I., Shvetsov Yu.G., Kalabin S.L., Lopatina N.V. Catalogue of collections of the Zoological museum of Biological Institute, Siberian Branch, USSR Academy of Sciences. Mammmals // Novosibirsk, Nauka Publ., Siberin Branch. 1989. 161 p.

* Subspecies marked with an asterisk (*), are acknowledged now.
** This subspecies is cited in "Mammals of the fauna of the USSR" (Gromov et al., 1963), but absent in "The mammals of Russia and adjacent territories" (Gromov, Erbaeva, 1995).

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