LinksWorldwide Directory of Churches First Spiritual Temple A multi-perspective definition of Spiritualism and the discovery of Spiritualism Learn about the forerunners of Spiritualism Why do people want to talk to Spirit (1 of 3) (2 of 3) (3 of 3) Examples of physical phenomena (1 of 2) (2 of 2) Reincarnation (1 of 3) (2 of 3) (3 of 3) Animals in the Spirit World - they have spirit too! First Spiritualist Temple of East Aurora http://www.laurence-harry.com Direct Voice UK Psychic enounters http://www.occult-advances.org : Spiritual training, Alchemy & Kabbalah, the Alchemical Great Work,
the Aura, the Tree of Life, the Temple rebuilding, the Rotation of Elements,
the Awakening of Kundalini, the Antediluvian worldwide language of Atlantis
.. Mediums:George AndersonWell-known medium in the USA. Allison DuBois Known for the tv show Medium which is based on her mediumship. John Edward Well-known medium in the USA, gained popularity though his tv show Crossing Over. John Holland Well-known medium in the USA. James Van Praagh Well-known medium in the USA. Spiritualist Organizations:The Morris Pratt Institute Lily Dale National Spiritualist Association of Churches (NSAC) Spiritiualist organizaition in the USA. Spiritualist's National Union (SNU) Spiritualist camp in Etna, Maine (USA) Cassadaga Spiritualist camp in Cassadaga, Florida (USA) Cassadagacamp.org Photos of the camp in Cassadaga and other Spiritualist camps. Maine State Spiritualist Association of Churches Hierarchical auxilliary of the National Spiritualist Association of Churches (NSAC) in the USA. Books:Spirit writings |