CPT Leadership

The assembly of Calvary Pentecostal Tabernacle is affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Newfoundland (PAON) and is governed by its Constitution. CPT also has its own Church Constitution and by laws. It is governed locally by its Pastor and an elected Board of Deacons.

The Leadership team at CPT is elected from members in good standing that are within its Congregation. The Board of Deacons are elected annually during the Church Annual Business Meeting.

The Ministerial Staff is elected by the members of the Congregation.

Currently CPT has two Pastor Families. They are Pastor Baine and Pastor Wavey Andrews ( Son-Timothy ), as C.P.T. Senior Pastors. Our Youth Pastors are Pastor Jason and Paster Cynthia Martin ( Son- Andrew). More information located in theBiographies page.

Leadership Teams

For more information regarding our Leadership, please contact CPT at calvary@thezone.net or by telephone at 709.466.7520. We would be happy to answer any questions you have.