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Emergency Pantry: Food & Clothing for the Needy

  The Emergency Pantry is a once-a-month food bank that provides food and staples to low income families and individuals living in the area around our Church. We normally open the last Friday of the month from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The food is intended to help people make it through hard times.

  In an average year, we serve approximately 1000 families (3000 individuals). That breaks down to 83 families per month. The pantry has served over 21,000 people since it first opened. Food for the pantry is purchased with funds generated by the Church's yearly yard sale and from contributions from members and friends of the Church. We are also blessed with a large crew of pantry volunteers.

United Christian Church of Renton


  9:30 AM  Adult Studies
10:45 AM  Worship
10:45 AM  Church School

Church Choir

Practices weekly for Anthem/Special music.

Church School

Offered each Sunday morning for children.

Adult Study

Offered Each Sunday morning for adults.

Vacation Bible School

One week each summer.

Youth Activities

Regular city-wide activities. Four camp sites in Washington.

Young Adult Activities

A place to serve and interact with others.

Fellowship Activities

Monday Munchers, Men's weekly lunches, weekly coffee-hour, monthly all-church fellowship activities, and other events.

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